Inky Rickshaw knows where I do my best thinking. I know I can support Ricky Hawkins on their Patron, and that’s a deal which starts at $1 and offers eternal gratitude.

[Via Instagram]
The four-panel comic depicts a bald Bond-style villain mastermind and reads;
So, you think I’m INSANE, agent?
The only insanity is your blind adherence to a broken world order.
And soon, you too shall be broken! Bwahahahaha!
The foreground then shows a shower curtain.
Yeah, that’s what I should have said.
What do you think the most common villain tropes are? I figure there are five.
- The Mastermind: This villain is often the brains behind the operation and is usually depicted as highly intelligent and cunning. They may have a complex plan to take over the world or to defeat the hero and are often portrayed as having a God complex.
- The Henchman: The henchman is a common trope in superhero stories. They are often depicted as large, muscular, and unintelligent, and their primary purpose is to do the bidding of the mastermind. They typically have no qualms about committing acts of violence and are often disposable.
- The Traitor: The traitor is a villain who was once a hero or a friend of the hero. They may have turned to the dark side for personal gain or because the mastermind manipulated them. Their betrayal often leads to a dramatic confrontation with the hero.
- The Mad Scientist: This villain is often obsessed with science and technology and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They may be driven to create the ultimate weapon or unlock the universe’s secrets. They are often depicted as being emotionally detached and lacking in empathy.
- The Vengeful: The vengeful villain is motivated by a desire for revenge against the hero or society. They may have been wronged in the past and seek to get even, or they may hate everything the hero stands for. They are often depicted as ruthless and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goal.