You must have GURPS 4e, or be willing to buy it, to get the most from these two all-new bundles. That means starting with the players’ book GURPS: Characters and taking it from there.
GURPS stands for Generic Universal Role-Playing System and does what it says on the tin by providing a rules engine sourcebooks, or experienced GMs can adapt to settings, genres and stories as needed.
Now on offer until March 27th are Combat Action and Supers.
GURPS 4e: Combat Action
These are rules for guns and martial arts, even for putting the two together for cinematic gun fu and are available at the Combat Action deal page.

Starter Collection – $17.95
The retail value of this bundle is $82, and the contents are DRM-free.
- GURPS 4E Martial Arts
- Tactical Shooting
- Gun Fu
- 3 GURPS High-Tech gun books
Bonus Collection
The threshold price started at $39.95, and will move around and unlock an additional $98 of downloads.
- 5 GURPS Action supplements
- 4 GURPS Martial Arts expansions
- Transhuman Space: Martial Arts 2100
GURPS 4e: Supers
On offer here are GURPS rules for superheroes and the powers they have. There’s also a Supers bundle page just for the deal.

Starter Collection – $9.95
There’s $41 worth of superhero supplements in this tier, and, as before, these downloads a DRM-free, so you can use them on many devices.
- GURPS 4E Supers
- GURPS 4E Powers
Power-Up Collection
The retail value here is $102, which is available to people who meet the threshold price. The threshold started at $34.95 and will change over time.
- 4 GURPS Powers expansions
- 9 GURPS Power-Ups
Quick Links
- GURPS 4e bundle: Combat Action
- GURPS 4e bundle: Supers
- GURPS on DriveThruRPG.