Robert Wright is crowdfunding an RPG called Agaya: The Dreaming Universe, and it’s a dark fantasy set entirely within the mindscape of a god.
We’re offered a fast-paced, easy-to-learn tabletop game with a d10/d20 system. However, while there are well over three weeks left on the clock, Robert set a high campaign target of $18,800, hasn’t a Kickstarter with this profile, and that’s a steep goal for the project to hit.

In the game, the gods don’t care about anything other than their own conflicts; the City of Doors enables dimensional travel; there’s strange and exotic flora and fauna, so even making it through one night is a challenge for anyone outside.
Agaya needs a gamemaster, pen, paper and pencil, a d10 and d20, with several hours for the session. The reward tiers suggest a few of each type of die are wise.
Mighty HEROES, before you lies the vast world of Agaya. Place of the Dreamers and lands of mystery and wonder. The tines of fate run deep and the world trembles at the presence of the agents of change. Listen Heroes of legend, the time is near for the prophecy of the end times and Sky fall. Oh that the days of blood and shadow comes upon us like a thief in the night.

You can back the indie project by sharing it or offering cash, and at $20, the first reward tier offers a bag with 3d10 and 2d20. However, that’s limited to 250 and restricted to the US only.
The PDF download of Agaya unlocks at $25.
The next merch-like reward is an Agaya Dreaming Universe t-shirt which, like the dice, is restricted to the US. This tier is set at $35; after that, there’s a $40 water bottle merch tier.
At $100, and with backers, there’s a signed copy of the RPG and the Wodes of Woe adventure. Once again, with a physical thing, the rewards are limited in number and shipping is restricted to the USA.
The expected delivery dates differ with tier, but the signed book and PDF edition are slated for August.