I rarely can say no to ice cream and so LadyDM – a co-owned wife and husband business with Kickstarter successes under their belt – have my attention with the Dice Cream Collection.
Yep, these are ice cream-inspired dice of the usual tabletop gamer range. The campaign target was $3,500, and at the time of writing, $10,000 looks to be in sight and with about three weeks still on the crowdfunding clock.
On offer are handmade artisan dice. I’ve seen runaway successes all but destroy dice makers who ofter this, so I hope LadyDM has a team or planned for what-if everyone loves Dice Cream.
I do see they are thinking ahead because, yes, they do warn us that these are not edible dice.
That said, the different so-called-flavours are;
- Bubblegum
- Cherry
- Confetti
- Lemon Lime
- Mint Chocolate Chip
- Neapolitan
- Orange Creamsicle
- Sherbet
- Strawberry
- Ube
- Black Liquorice
There are mini cones you can buy as an add-on.
While handmade dice making can be quite challenging, the outpouring of support we have from this community has been tremendous. Learning and innovating together has become so important to us that we strive to give back to that community as much as possible. We firmly believe that if creators help and support each other they and the consumer can only benefit.

Those who pledge $65 or more will get one set of dice.
Then, at $120, you can get two – so there’s an economy of scale.
$230 is the tier for four sets, $450 for eight and $650 for twelve Dice Cream collection boxes.
Are people spending $650 on dice? They are.
The top tier is $1,000, with a one-shot game from LadyDM herself.
The estimated delivery is July 2024, and there’s a warning a popular campaign will delay that.