Sky Corgan, aka Phoenix Grey, is a self-confessed hermit writer who hosts tabletop games and recommends anime. That sounds like my sort of gig!
Another matter is whether this singleton, yours truly, can be lured into the lewd dungeon adventure series. Hundreds of gamers have, and Corgan’s Price of the Dragon Kickstarter has been funded. You can check out more details on the pitch page.
If you’re logged into DrivethruRPG and confirmed you are an adult, you can buy the $5 and 4/5 star-rated gold bestseller Lewd Dungeons Adventures core rulebook and starter set. It’s 23 pages long.
You can also get the book from Amazon in Kindle or paperback.
Frankly, 4/5 star gold-rated RPGs are good.
The pitch on Kickstarter describes Lewd Dungeon Adventures as a fantasy-based game for couples that mixes live-action (LARP) with tabletop roleplay. Players get the option to act out the intimate encounters.
However, we’re also told the idea is to be light-hearted and make intimacy fun. We’re also told that there are modifications to be made if you want to play the game with multiple players, and so perhaps now we’re stretching into a different sort of fantasy game in which stamina is a crucial stat.
Price of the Dragon is a new installment in the Lewd Dungeon Adventures series, set in the bandit village of Darkwell. A dragon has recently been spotted in the village, and Emperor Geo fears it will wreak havoc across the land if not dealt with swiftly. He is requesting the services of a Hero and will reward them handsomely for getting the job done.
If you back the project before May 3rd, you’ll get the zipped artwork, including the NSFW art.
Backers at $10 get the colour PDF, the character sheet and thanks. At $12, backers also get the core rulebook which seems essential.
The premium softcover of Price of the Dragon is added to the rewards for backers at $20, and perhaps not the only use of the word “soft” in the lewd rule set.
A risk is taken at $25 because it hinges on meeting stretch goals, which adds in the 5e compatible Price of the Dragon PDF as a Kickstarter exclusive.
Backers at $30 have the same risk but get the PDF of the core rules, the starter adventure: The Rescue of Lady Jai, the Mage’s Stolen Goods, Give and Take Hideout and Disappearances in Riverhelm.
At $60, there’s a KS exclusive of the Mimic Attack Notebook and the premium soft cover of Price of the Dragon.
Prefer premium soft covers for all those starters adventurers at the $30 tier? You can have them with a backing of $80.
At $100, which at the time of writing has… 69 backers… adds PDFs to all those softbacks and KS exclusives of the 5e variants.
The top tier is $170, which adds even more.
Phoenix and the team estimate delivery of Jan 2024 for all the tiers.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.