Mindjammer Press has been on hiatus since 2019 after the sad passing of Chris James, the partner of Mindjammer boss Sarah Newton.

Now, The Lair of the Leopard Empresses marks the return of Mindjammer with “superheroic swords & sorcery” from Newton.
The pulpy game will use “Monsters! Monsters!”, an RPG engine developed by Ken Andre and Trollhalla Press. Andrew is the designer of the first-ever alternative to Dungeons & Dragons, the fantasy RPG Tunnels & Trolls.
As it happens, a tabletop icon called Rick Loomis helped publish Tunnels & Trolls and back when gamers were raising money to help Sarah Newton through the financial crisis the departure of Chris James caused, gamers were also raising money for Rick Loomis’ unsuccessful battle against lymphatic cancer and Geek Native helped with both campaigns in a single post.
The Lair of the Leopard Empresses dates back before 2019, as Sarah has been working on the project since 2015, and there’s not long to wait now as the RPG is expected out next month.