Japanese fashion retailer Uniqlo has released its Attack on Titan range. The series is based on the manga, a story of fierce but apparently dumb cannibal giants that terrorise the countryside while the remains of humankind hide behind walls.
If only it was that simple…
Attack on Titan t-shirt graphic white t-shirt
Attack on Titan t-shirt graphic black t-shirt
[If you don’t buy, we can’t win…]
Attack on Titan t-shirt graphic beige t-shirt
[My impulse buying is regenerating!]
Attack on Titan t-shirt graphic gray t-shirt
[The horror through the click]
The t-shirts are 100% cotton with machine washes up to 40 degrees but should not be dry cleaned.
Uniqlo offers free click-and-collect, express delivery as a top-tier option, and ParcelShop at a discount.
These four are just an example; others are at the Attack on Titan range.
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