We’re nearly through May and approaching the halfway mark of the year. Around the corner, just at the start of June, Europe’s giant UK Games Expo and Geek Native will be there.
But first, the summary of RPG news summaries!
- Russ Nicholson has passed away
- Free League will launch an Aliens RPG tournament
- Leyline Press cut ties with an editor in an ethics row
- Ares will release Fantasy World RPG
- Schwalb Entertainment confirms When the Wolf Comes
- The second draft of ORC is ready
As a reminder, there’s sometimes activity off-site such as Patreon, Telegram, and there’s an (almost) daily summary story on Instagram of what’s gone on with the blog.
You can, and if possible – should – even subscribe to Geek Native via Apple News. I mean, it only took years to get there. No biggie.
As the witching hour draws close, it’s time to wrap up this introduction.
In fact, it’s time to get on with the RPG news!
Support: Patron.
RPG news from Geek Native
- Free League Press will launch an official Alien RPG Masters Tournament.
- Leyline Press caused a debate by cutting ties with an editor in an ethics row.
- The World of Darkness and Choice of Games entered a new partnership with new WoD solo RPGs.
- In another partnership, Bare Tree Media launched official D&D mobile stickers.
- We had an exclusive look inside the buyfunded Living Nightmares.
- Geek Native looked at the pay what you want RPG Lost Roads of Lociam.
- At the Bundle of Holding you can encounter Arc Dream Mythos.
Spotlight: Zotiquest Games
RPG news from around the web

- Ares will release, in English, the PbtA Fantasy World RPG.
- Schwalb Entertainment officially concerns the When the Wolf Comes RPG.
- Paizo made ready the Second Draft of the ORC License Ready for Public Comment.
- In sad news, popular fantasy art Russ Nicholson has passed away.
- With the Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine out in PDF and heading to the printers, Chaosium published a review roundup.
- Modiphius’ John Houlihan shines the community spotlight on Achtung! Cthulhu’s Season of the Snake.
- Necrotic Games published an update on Dolmenwood.
- Tabletop Gaming News digs into Cubicle 7’s update on Victoriana.
- In positive news, Monte Cook Games are donating 50% of No Thank You, Evil! sales to the Help Save the Bees Foundation to celebrate World Bee Day.
- In quirky news, a Dungeons & Dragons-themed Vista brewery wins gold at Olympics of beer competition.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- Reviews from R’lyeh wrote up a Quick-Start Saturday for Cursed Captains of Cthulhu.
- Jared Rascher wonders what they know about Twilight Accord and Arcadia Issue 26
- MRJ RPG has reviewed The Dark Brood.
- Grognardia offers up a retrospective on White Dwarf #74 and the old D&D Death’s Ride adventure.
- Seed of Worlds reviews Monkey’s Paw Games Unconquered.
- The Other Side reviews the 1991 Time Lord, the Doctor Who RPG.
- On RPG.net, ShyberKryst wrote up a review of the 5e Lord of the Rings game.
- Egg Embry talked to NerdBurger’s Craig Campbell about Without Dark RPG.
- Still on EN World, Egg also talked to Andrew Cawood about Monsters of the Dungeon.
- Charles Dunwoody talks Knave 2E with Ben Milton.
- Julia Roth Tavern Talks with Mark Meer.
RPG new releases

- Mindjammer Press returns to action with a Monsters! Monsters! powered RPG The Lair of the Leopard Empresses.
- Monte Cook Games released Bruce R Cordell’s Planar Character Options for Cypher System.
- Pinnacle Entertainment expanded Deadlands, the weird west RPG, with Lost Colony – Maw of Oblivion.
- Steamforged Games gave us Animal Adventures: the Faraway Sea.
- Sleepy Sasquatch Games hit publish on their solo RPG Wandering Souls.
- Weird Works shared their Eldritch Overload Fantasy Cyberpunk Tarot Deck & Codex.
- Anima Project published Prometheum Exxet.
- Penguin Comics unleashed their Unseen Unraveling – a Cthulhu/Lovecraft-inspired Horror Campaign Creation Package.
- Juan Ferrer has made ready Shadow of the Demon Lord Compendia Demon Lord’s Companion for Foundry VTT.
- Darrin Drader has published the low-cost Corpse Kings & Crypt Crawlers (5E OGL).
- In physical and pre-orders, there’s the Lord of the Rings 5e RPG, its supplement Shire Adventures hardcover and the Zombicide RPG campaign Road to Haven.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $21.00 (50%) with Lightpress Media’s Forgers Guild Factions bundle.
- Save $7.25 (29%) with the DMsGuild’s Outcasts Class bundle.
- Save $7.25 (29%) also with the DMsGuild’s The Alternates bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Ben and the Genre Police talked about setting a stage for a campaign.
- There’s a new Drizzt Golden Archive model.
- CBR’s Haley Mccullough noticed that a Dungeons & Dragons DM Exposes Cheating Players With Clever Ploy.
- The Boar wrote ‘Dungeons and Dragons’: Campaigns and one-shots.
- Rob Wieland’s Forbes column said that Every Dungeon Master Should Have A Mini Dungeon In Their Pocket.
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth a mention;

- Inkheart Dice – Tabletop Game Dice Set from Inbreak submits “When ink drips into the core of the dice, art collides with reality to create the stunning Inkheart dice set.”
- The Fey’s Guide to Epic Levels from Samantha Rodriguez introduces “A guide to raising player characters above level 20 and beyond.”
- Comic Crawl Classics from Ed Stanek submits “This rule book applies the fun, dynamic style of Dungeon Crawl Classics to the super hero genre. Launching May 16.”
- TsunamiCon 2023 Wichita’s Premier Tabletop Gaming Convention from Erik Carl nominates “Join our 10th annual tabletop gaming celebration, located right here in the Heartland!”
- Grab and go Bundle of Maps – Town edition from Enchanters of the Realm is working on “Need a whole town setting for your next campaign or one shot? High definition maps for 5e compatible TTRPG or VTTRPG.”
- Tome of Essential Horrors from Necromancer Games suggests “The Tome of Essential Horrors contains more than 100 monsters, as well as an OSE stat block, B&W art, and an encounter description.”
- Tales of Kings & Dragons from Roleplay Elixir proposes “Historical-fantasy RPG set in Ancient China, Arthurian Age and Crusades Era – 5e”
- Renegade City from The Polyhedral Knights suggests “Modern Day Criminal Roleplaying Game”
- Fichte’s Rumors of Lost Treasures, by Philip Reed from Philip Reed proposes “D100 rumors and two dozen magic items for use in fantasy roleplaying games.”
- Wulfric’s Bazaar of the Bizarre: a D&D 5e Adventure & More from J. D. Brink offers “Multi-episode fantasy RPG adventure, 12 new character subclass archetypes, optional rules, & more for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition”
- The Queens of the Lost Fire from Mauro Indini offers “Explore the wastelands of Drakonia and please the Queens of the Lost Fire in this print and play, roll and write fantasy game.”
- OSE Quest for the Ruby Heart Adventure Path #1 from Preston Poulter introduces “Old-School Essentials introductory module and comic book, Palace of the Golden Princess”
- Zantrix the Enigmatic’s Tome of Mild Mayhem: d66 Mild Curses from Peter Raines is working on “Zantrix the Enigmatic’s Tome of Mild Mayhem: d66 Mischievous Curses for Any OSR Fantasy Adventure”
- Twisted Expeditions for DnD 5e : Journeys into Darkness from Laura MCL kickstarts “10 adventures with horror themes for D&D 5th edition rules!”
- Botanical, Cage, Helix, and Thorn Metal Dice from Chuck Stover pitches “Four Classic 3D Printed Metal Dice Sets”
- The Mystery of The Ancient Cave 2.0 | STL from 3D-Fortress proposes “3d models for 3d printing (Modular cave for RPG games)”
- The Baleful Barrow of Thieves from Thanazrael pitches “A swords-and-sorcery module, presented in 5e and stand-alone OSR formats.”
- Tome of Events from Sergio Dosc pitches “A collection of 2000 random events. 100 events for 20 different scenarios to add excitement to D&D 5E, pathfinder and other games”
- Monsters of the Realms, Series 1: The Wilds from Taylor Hokanson raises funds for “A collection of 8 .STL files of fantasy monster miniatures for Pathfinder, DnD, and table top role-playing game fans and enthusiasts.”
- Castles & Kingdoms from Utopia Tabletop suggests “The RPG Rulebook for Armies, Navies, Strongholds, Followers, and Rulership”
- £1 to play! (5e) The Drowned Dragon from Andrew Highton nominates “Adventure modules to drag and drop into your 5e campaign! Adventures! Battlemaps! Magic Items! And more! All for just £1!”
- Nankaina: A Mörk Borg Supplement from FumbleCat Games suggests “Nankaina is a bloodstained Mörk Borg supplement set in the Feudal Era. Compatible with Ronin.”
- Colostle: Kyodaina – The Third Expansion to the Solo RPG from Nich Angell suggests “The third book in the ENNIE award winning solo RPG series, Colostle. Kyodaina introduces a whole new eastern-themed area and story!”
- TABLETOP GAME FEST! from Mike Federali introduces “A one day Tabletop Gaming convention in Virginia Beach, VA.”
- 2023 RPG Dice Advent Calendars from Dicebound kickstarts “Add a touch of magic and adventure to your holidays with this one-of-a-kind treasure trove of gaming goodies!”
- Luncheons and Dragonflies from Adam Hancock introduces “Play as a tiny woodland mammal in this original, dice-hoarding tabletop RPG”
- Mining for Zogolyte — a (solo) dice roll game from John H. Kohn raises funds for “In a future where the only way out is through prospecting!”
- Digital Campaign Journals for Dungeons and Dragons from Jess Francis suggests “A collection of Digital Campaign Journals that can be used for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. These PDFs are usable with Goodnotes.”
- Dretelia Campaign Setting for D&D from Drew Wale nominates “An idyllic, magitech surface world with sickened, dysfunctional depths below! For DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) 5e.”
- Mörk Manual, the classic fantasy hack for Mörk Borg from Booger Goblin proposes “Mörk Borg mayhem in a grunge fantasy world. The Dark Lord is coming and he’s bringing more scrolls, 10 classes, and 70+ monsters.”
- Go RPG from Urbantek offers “The deck that all true RPGers, D&Ders, and Pathfinderers will love to own! Join on discord: https://discord.gg/vXJUcTwRJQ”
- CHAINSAW WIZARDS, HECATOMB CREEPS & OTHER UNGODLY BASTARDS from Levi Combs pitches “A Rogue’s Gallery Compendium of Weird Fantasy RPG Villains for Your OSR Games”
- Eldritch RPG 2nd Edition: Ainerêve Reimagined from Dan Cross offers “Semantic Design – How You Say It Is How You Play It. Immerse Yourself in Endless Possibilities in the Fantasy Milieu”
- Dice Cubes: Fidget, Roll, Spin, & Play your way!! from Notion Builds LLC pitches “Precision machined from Solid Metals, Dice cubes are a perfect companion for Fidgeting, RPG, DND and tabletop games.”
- Creature Features – a Print & Play Card Game from Kristopher Neal McClanahan offers “A quick and curious game about building monsters and bringing them to life!”
- Realm of Riddles: 100 Enigmatic Puzzles for D&D or any TTRPG from DM Backpack submits “Evolutive Project from 1€ with Mysteries, Puzzles, Enigmas, and Conundrums for Adventurers & Dungeon Masters for DnD and more!”
- Rudok’s Cards – 5e Item Collection from Rudok’s Tavern pitches “A Collection of 200+ Magic Items for 5e in physical or digital form.”
- Giant Silicone Dice Set from Robin’s Nerd Supplies submits “Giant Sets of Bouncy Silicone Dice. Get a full 7 Piece Set or single D20s, D10s, and D6s.”
- GUILDS, COSTERS, AND CABALS: Exciting Factions & NPCs for 5E from Wyvern Blade Games proposes “Inside these 40-plus pages you’ll find various organizations and an array of enthralling NPCs comprising them for your 5e campaigns!”
- The Puzzle Masters Handbook for 5th Edition: from Daniel Jefford nominates “The ultimate 150+ page guide to puzzles and traps for your Dungeons and Dragons campaigns or favourite RPG”
- SHIPS: A supplement on spacecraft for TERMINATION SHOCK from Crankshaft Constellation is working on “The long-awaited supplement SHIPS: HOW TO BUILD AND BLAST THEM is finally ready! Design, understand, and annihilate your own starship!”
- Fantastical Magicks: Royalty-Free Fantasy Stock Art for D&D from Fantastical kickstarts “A collection of 300+ images of magical figurines and trinkets! Great for DnD 5e, Pathfinder 2e, or any game with magic items!”
Do you know of an RPG news source that we don’t? Let us know, or leave a comment below.