In the United States, Cos4Hope, which began with the #CosplayForACause rallying cry in local cosplay communities to encourage cosplaying volunteers to sign up for suicide prevention walks, has secured nonprofit status.
Cos4Hope has the Federal 501(c)3 nonprofit status as part of its mental wellness and suicide prevention campaign, which means it is now tax-exempt.
The group’s early work looked at Cosplay as a Coping Mechanism and how the sense of belonging to a Fandom could be beneficial to mental health. There have been panels in local comicons where Cos4Hope discussed their research and insights.
Those mental health panels guided the team to conclude the cosplay was misunderstood, and with the S in CoSplay reminding them of the S-for-Hope in Superman’s costume, they became known as Cosplay for Hope.
Cosplay for Hope made its first public appearance in 2018 as geek support, with a hand-drawn logo and a mission to reach out to those in their cosmunity/conmunity. In 2018, the small team assisted at various conventions and walks, culminating in their first Mini HopeCon & Walk.

Early donors contributed generously to the support team, which aided in the growth and development of geek-centric mental wellness and suicide prevention events, panel presentations, and appearances at conventions.
Torches On! A World Suicide Prevention Day Event was created for geeks who have lost a loved one to suicide or struggle with their mental health. On September 10th, geeks are encouraged to find a torch, lamp, lantern, or even a candle to aid in their journey through loss or personal mental health struggle.
Lightsabers, Lanterns, & Lumos is an annual in-person event commemorating the lives lost to suicide. This is a vigil held on International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. Geeks are encouraged to bring their lightsaber, lantern, lighted wand, sonic screwdriver, Pokéball, orb, tesseract, or other lighted props to remember those who have died by suicide.
Cosplay For Hope was reformed as Cos4Hope on February 4th, 2022, an up-and-coming educational nonprofit organisation focused on mental wellness and suicide prevention for Geeks by Geeks. Members and supporters of the organisation believe that everyone has a geeky side. While the logo has changed, the S remains.
After all, the S represents Hope.
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- Donate: Cos4Hope