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Amazon now lists an official D&D year of monsters. Wizards of the Coast and Andrews McMeel have a Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Calendar: Creatures, Beasts and Monsters coming.

Pre-orders are yet to be opened in the UK but are in the US with a $17.99 price tag and a delivery date of October 17th.
It’s a new listing to me, just appearing on Amazon UK this week, and it looks like the American version of the calendar is being sold. The calendar is not new to Amazon in the US, where it’s already in the top 500 D&D products (so many!) and in the top 1,000 art calendar category. My bet is it’ll get much higher!
Showing a different monster every weekday and combined on weekends on tear-off sheets, the calendar is 5.25″ by 4.375″ with an easel back so the calendar can sit on a table or desktop.
Blank sections for notes or shopping lists are on the back of the tear-off monsters. Wizards choose to say that you write more things to buy on their calendar for the same year as D&D’s next evolution, and that’s a set of books they would like you to buy.
Official US and Canadian holidays and observances are noted; many of those overlap with the UK, but I’d be lost without a hippogriff reminding me of when the Scottish bank holidays are.

The monsters come with a colour image, artist credit and an official 5e reference. While the weekends are squeezed onto a single page, the weekend gets dragons.
I note that Amazon lists Wizards of the Coast as the author, but Amazon US lists Andrews McMeel, the owner of Zwiehander, as the publisher.
The blurb says;
Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Day-to-Day Calendar Creatures, Beasts, and Monsters features a new dangerous, horrifying, or exciting creature from the exclusive database D&D Beyond on every page. Fans from beginning players to seasoned Dungeon Masters will find something new!
I think Andrews McMeel may be underestimating the comprehensive knowledge of seasons DMs if they think raiding the D&D Beyond catalogue for monsters will surface anything new!

No sign of an official D&D advent calendar yet.
Quick Links
- Amazon: D&D Monster 2024 calendar.