Savage Worlds is the non-D&D RPG that sold out during the OGL drama, and now, as it turns 20, Pinnacle has the game back on Kickstarter.
The campaign, which is already more than ten times over its pledge goal, offers updated printing, a new softcover Player’s Book and an accessory box in addition to stretch goals.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group sounds thousands of licensed products for Savage Worlds with settings like Deadlands, Legend of Ghost Mountain, Holler and Pinebox Middle School. There are eleven different translations.
If you already have a copy of Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and you want the latest official edits, then they’re yours and for free from the PEG.
However, the Savage Worlds Accessory Box isn’t a free download. The new product has everything GMs need; Action Deck, tokens and templates, Power Point counters, dice, 25-Bennies, status cards and four conviction tokens.
It’s a Kickstarter that might give some collectors pause as there are many variants and options. Some of the covers haven’t even yet been announced. PEG say;
AND because you’ve made us one of the top roleplaying game systems in the industry, we’re now able to offer a PLAYER’S BOOK! These gorgeous, full-color softback versions come in FIVE DIFFERENT COVERS and contain all the information PLAYERS need to dive in for some FAST! FURIOUS! FUN!

Backers at the $15 tier get the Player’s Book in PDF and digital stretch goals.
Player’s Book with cover options A, B, C, D and mystery E are all $25 pledges.
It’s $45 to get the fifth printing of the core rules, and that’s the 20th-anniversary run with the badge on the cover.
Or, if you are one of those collectors, all the Player’s Book covers, and the accessory box are the reward at $100. While $150 is the top tier with all the Player’s Books, the accessory box, the card box, 20th Anniversary core rules, and stretch goals.
Pinnacle estimates delivery of January 2024 for all the tiers, and we can be confident the book is written!