Dante & Dungeons? Based on Dante and D&D’s 5e, The Straight Way Lost wants €20,000 to fund and is halfway there on day one. On offer is a world setting and campaign that sends your players to hell.
The proposed 400-page book has had a preview on Geek Native and now offers a pitch video to talk potential backers through the benefits of supporting the project.
There’s another preview available, a free download hosted on Dropbox to showcase the RPG.
The setting begins in a high fantasy setting of Renaissance Italy, focusing on the city of Florence, which covers the ruse of ‘humanism’, the role of women in society, the church, war, and Italian and European politics.
You don’t need to be a history student to use the book, and while Vortex Verlag, the publisher, gets into actual history in The Straight Way Lost, you can ignore them.
There are add-ons, virtual tabletop support and that adventure to heaven or hell, perhaps both, as required.
A large team is involved with Melina Sedo, the principal author and Vortex Verlag’s co-founders, the Zimmermanns co-authors, and Andreas Wichter.

You can buy into some of the add-ons and keep up to date with just a €1 pledge. Those backers who can step up to €28 will get the PDF version of the 5e setting and stretch goals, except those only available as add-ons.
At €68, there’s the Roll20 module added to the rewards with the hardcover print unlock, instead of the module, at €70.
If you want Roll20 and physical copies of this adventure to hell, you can join the €110 backers.
The Straight Way Lost also includes STL files, soundtracks, battle maps, and outside add-ons; these first become available at the €165 tier.
Lastly, there are tiers which offer multiple copies and the impressive €1,000 top level for people who want customised character portraits.
Melina and the team estimate a December 2023 delivery for the PDF and static digital assets and February 2024 for the Roll20 module and the hardback. You can decide whether the hardback is being held back until the Roll20 module is available or whether it’s the hardback holding back Roll20.
Update: 13 July 2023 – I’ve been told the hardback will ship when it is ready, and that will likely be before Roll20.