Legendary Games have an all-new offering in the Bundle of Holding with 5e RPG material suitable for D&D and related games.
On offer are standalone scenarios ranging from combat orientated to sly creative teamwork to defeat thorny challenges. The bundle is live and will run until the 7th on their Beginnings Promo offer page.
Legendary Collections – $14.95

The retail value of this single-tier bundle is $70, and the Trail of the Apprentice Adventure Path usually sells for $30.
- Trail of the Apprentice
- A Feast of Flavor
- Into the Feyweald
- Crisis at Falling Spring Station
It’s noted that there are kid-appropriate adventures in this collection and content suitable for youth groups and newcomers to tabletop roleplaying.
Authors and designers in the bundle include Paris Crenshaw, Mike Welham, Rachel Ventura, Brian Suskind and Ben McFarland.
Quick Links
- Bundle of Holding: Legendary Beginnings.
- Christmas in July: Legendary Games.