Marvel is back in the tabletop RPG space as the Marvel Multiverse RPG core rules are out and available on DriveThruRPG.
But; they’re not!
You cannot download the Marvel Multiverse RPG in a digital edition from DTRPG. Not today.
You can buy the core rules Roll20 module instead. It’s integrated into the virtual tabletop platform.
Marvel Multiverse RPG might not be the first game to launch VTT before PDF, but it’s unusual, and I can’t recall it happening on the home of the PDF RPG, DriveThruRPG, before.
The RPG is written by Matt Forbeck, illustrated by Mike Bowden and an army of Marvel artists; it uses Marvel’s d616 system. If you want the hardback, you can find it in local stores or e-commerce players like Amazon. There’s even a Kindle edition which suggests Marvel isn’t entirely opposed to digital downloads, but Amazon can nuke your Kindle purchases when it wants.
The Core Rulebook is your one-stop shop for everything you need to play the Marvel Super Heroes Roleplaying Game. This book allows you to create a Marvel superhero, battle your foes in bombastic combat, and unleash extraordinary powers. You’ll also find complete profiles of dozens of Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains so that you can bring your favourite characters to life.
Marvel’s launch includes more than just the Multiverse core Roll20 module. There’s also Revenge of the Super-Skrull. It feels like this ties nicely with Secret Invasion and is an adventure written by Eddy Webb (of Pugmire and who also helped create the Firefly RPG). The SuperSkrull is also a Roll20 module.
There’s even a pre-order with Matt Forebeck’s The Cataclysm of Kang collection of adventures. This offer comes in at nearly $50 for another VTT package.
Roll20 modules are more challenging work than PDFs and cost more. As a result, the three-tier launch of the Marvel Multiverse RPG looks quite expensive, but Marvel has thought of that too.
If you want all three, even for the Kang wait, there’s a Mega-Bundle with a $10 discount.
The question is whether Marvel will ever allow an official PDF of the Multiverse RPG to download. Or is this just a Roll20 release, mirrored by DriveThruRPG, which is now part of the family and PDFs are TBC?
Quick Links
- Marvel RPG on DriveThruRPG
- The Mega-Bundle.