Renegade Game Studios, the publisher created by Scott Gaeta, will produce and publish a Welcome to Night Vale RPG.

Welcome to Night Vale is a podcast created by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, with over 150 episodes in the style of community updates for a small desert town. They are updates that might feature mysterious lights or dark hooded figures.
Renegade publishes tabletop RPGs like Power Rangers, G.I JOE, Hunter: The Reckoning, Vampire: The Masquerade, Kids on Bikes, and the My Little Pony Roleplaying Game.
Scott Gaeta, President and Publisher at Renegade, said in a statement;
“Joseph and Jeffrey have created a fantastic world full of vibrant characters, mystery, and rich engaging stories. Roleplayers around the world have long been fans of the series and we’re excited to now allow them to have their own adventures in the world of Night Vale.”
Joseph Fink added;
For over a decade, Jeffrey and I have been building the world of Night Vale with our podcast, touring live shows, and novels. Now we cannot wait for people to finally get to step into that world themselves, and start telling their own stories about a weird little desert town,”
On social media, Renegade said;
All hail the glow cloud
The Fandom Wiki reveals that The Glow Could was an eternal deity older than reality and former Night Vale School Board president.
Renegade has set up a Welcome to Night Value newsletter for more information.