The rebooted Urban Arcana is now Everyday Arcana. While I like the juxtaposition of the words, Geek Native did reach out to Evil Genius to confirm why the Everyday Heroes supplement changed names.

A spokesperson from Evil Genius confirmed;
While this is the spiritual successor to Urban Arcana, we are unable to use the name due to Wizards owning the copyright. For this reason, we went with Everyday Arcana.”
You can still buy Urban Arcana from Wizards of the Coast (WotC) on DriveThruRPG. The RPG supplement expanded the d20 Modern rules to with advanced classes suitable for magic and fantasy.
Evil Genius has been pushing the 5e ruleset in a similar direction, and its Everyday Heroes RPG has a set of incredible movie licenses. They have, among others, the official Highlander, Pacific Rim, Escape From New York, The Crow, Kong: Skull Island and Total Recall books.
Evil Genius has been overt about linking d20 Modern to Everyday Heroes, appointing many original d20 Modern designers and developers. However, it seems going down the “reboot” line for their Urban Arcana was a step too far for a legal team.
The name change was announced at Gen Con this weekend, as was the news that Shadows Surrounding had won the competition to be Everyday Arcana’s setting.
There will now be four books for the IP. Evil Genius has BJ Hensley at the helm and is planning;
- The Everyday Arcana Player’s Guide
- The Everyday Arcana GM’s Guide
- The Everyday Arcana Bestiary
- Shadows Surrounding World of Adventure
Evil Genius also released the official Rambo RPG prologue. After three reviews, the 22-page primer is free to download and rated 5/5 on DriveThruRPG.
The Rambo prologue is an Everyday Heroes adventure (rules required) for 3 to 6 level one heroes.
War changes you.
Thousands of soldiers have returned home, from Vietnam, from Afghanistan, from Somalia and Iraq. From all the corners of the world where war has been waged. But they weren’t the same as when they left. And neither was home.
They were given guns, and told how to drive tanks, how to fire missiles, how to kill. And then, they were sent home, told to forget all that, told to lead ‘normal’ lives. But they don’t forget. The war never leaves you. Once back, they found there were as many enemies on home soil as there ever had been abroad.
Follow in the footsteps of John Rambo as a former Green Beret back in the States. You have 24 hours to clear the name of one of your number. Using the skills you learnt in ‘Nam you will have to root out the corruption of small town America and bring down hellfire on those that stand in your way. The army may be happy to betray those it once relied on, but you formed a bond in the jungle that can not be broken.
Quick Links
- Everyday Heroes RPG
- Free to Download: Rambo RPG prologue.