Bryce Jones has launched their first Kickstarter with the 5e Realm of Greyclaw and the promise of a campaign setting that aids immersion.
The promise is that the game designer has thought about ways to loop characters into the setting, giving them a reason to care. The campaign is live with a $5,000 goal.

Bryce says that the campaign setting is inspired by the original classic but does not say which, likely for legal reasons. The one of the first D&D setting was Greyhawk, years before the Forgotten Realms, and actually beating Blackmoor to print.
The sourcebook has a host of organisations for PCs to belong to to give them a purpose or goal in the adventure. Some of these factions are unique to elves, dwarves or gnomish societies and extend to ranger bands, bardic colleges and even other adventuring companies.
GMs get digestible entries for the cities, realms, and republics in the land with their motivations and adventure seats for each.
There are also 5+ new subclasses. There are 2+ new races, 10+ subraces and more than a half-dozen new monsters.
I asked Bryce about The Realm of Greyclaw;
In my 15+ years of tabletop gaming, I’ve had lots of fun, but have also experienced plenty of frustrations regarding immersion. So, I set out to design a sourcebook that would alleviate some of the common headaches experienced by both players and game masters alike!
Not only that, but I based this endeavor on the ORIGINAL tabletop Campaign Setting; the one that started it all, and is responsible for my undying love of TTRPGs!”
Realm of Greyclaw preview
It’s small but exclusive, and it’s a two-page preview which, hopefully, captures the book’s essence so you can see Bryce’s techniques in action.
There are early bird tiers with a backer, not a time limit, and while they last, supporters will get a PDF copy of the Realm of Greyclaw as a thank you for a $20 pledge.
The softcover edition is the backer reward at $45, with shipping to be added and worldwide delivery offered. $50 will get backers both the softcover and PDF.
The hardcover unlocks at $55; at $60, backers get the PDF and hardcover together.
Bryce estimates March 2024 for the project and, as ethically disclosed, the intent to use a mix of AI and artist-produced images.