Steam gamers around the world have a lot in common, but there are also some significant differences across countries.
A new study by Guide Strats analyzed the game libraries and reviews of millions of Steam users to reveal the habits of Steam gamers worldwide.
The study found that the average Steam gamer owns 215 games on Steam for a combined value of $2,776.59. They’ve also spent 4,307 hours playing those games.
However, there is significant variation in Steam gamers’ habits by country. For example:
- Denmark’s Steam gamers spent the most time overall (6,581 hours) playing games.
- The average gamer in the Netherlands has spent the most money ($4,252) on their Steam collection, which is the largest in the world at 339 games on average.
- The typical gamer in the U.S. has spent $3,672.77 on games and 5,152 hours playing them.
- China’s gamers are the harshest reviewers of games, while Peru’s are the nicest.
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