Chainsaw Man is a Japanese dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto.
The story follows Denji, a young man fused with a devil dog named Pochita and becomes the titular Chainsaw Man, a human-devil hybrid with the power to erase anything he touches with his chainsaws.
A government organisation recruits Denji called the Public Safety Devil Hunters, where he uses his powers to fight devils and protect humanity.
Chainsaw Man has been praised for its unique dark premise, well-developed characters, and stunning artwork. The series has won numerous awards, including the Shogakukan Manga Award and the Harvey Award for Best Manga.
It was serialised in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine from December 2018 to 2020 and collected into eleven volumes. And it is the manga that you can now buy in an impressively chunky box set!
Despite the success of the manga, it is the anime which made the series mainstream popular. MAPPA, the studio behind popular anime series such as Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen, produced it.
We’re waiting to see when or if there will be a future for the Chainsaw Man anime series, but we have these Halloween posters.
Power’s traditional Jiangshi costume is the perfect choice for her! Jiangshi, also known as Chinese hopping vampires, are monsters from folklore who hop around dead bodies in search of blood. Power’s love of blood makes her a perfect fit for this costume, and we’re giving her the top prize at the costume contest!
Quick Links
- Buy: Chainsaw Man box set.
- Watch anime: Chainsaw Man on Crunchyroll.
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