Award-winning game designer Robert Turk and team are back on Kickstarter for the 13th time with Our Woodland Gods.
The GMless tabletop game is cosy and it’s a horror. Your character lives in a hellish woodlands, but is mostly innocent and had been protected by an Eldritch god until it died. Now you must find a new one and, a the time of writing, more than 100 backers are up for the challenge.

Our Woodland Gods is played in three phases. These phases guide the game from first being cosy and sweet. Animal-like villagers have fun, being cute, forging characters, relationships and all so we can get attached to them.
Later, there’s the terror of the Eldritch Beasts that want evil and to eat villagers. And yet, the village cult must find a new god from these terrors and bond with it.
Okay, so… you belong to a cult?
Don’t worry, that’s totally normal. Your fellow villagers are all cultists too. You live your lives; throwing parties, going fishing, roasting marshmallows, and chanting under the full moon. And when your god demands the sacrifice of old Uncle Joe? That’s okay! It’s how you all survive the Eldritch Woods. It’s how you stay safe from the evil Heretics.But three days ago, your god died!
Now you must gather your pact, safeguard your village, and seek out a new god among the horrors of the Eldritch Wood. If you don’t succeed, everything you know and love will be lost forever…

Tempted by the woods?
Backers who pledge $15 or more will get a PDF copy of Our Woodlands Gods and all the digital stretch goals that get unlocked.
The next tier up is $40, with shipping to be added later, and gets a signed hardback copy, the PDF edition and all stretch goals that unlock.
I think it’s the runic cards (you can use playing cards) that add dark magic to the game. It’s the $55 tier in which they’re added to the rewards.
Stretch goals include mini-games and side-quests but also ribbon bookmarks and new art. At $13,000, some way off, there’s even a solo mode.
The estimated delivery is June 2024.