The Immortal Think Tank is a New Zealand-based artist drawing tabletop RPG-inspired cartoons. They’re superb! A wholesome family vibe… with an appropriate amount of attitude.
I think this “Hey cleric!” strip is a great example.
The artist says;
It feels like no matter what I play and who I play with, there’s always that one person who puts everything in their mouth 😂 but I’ve got you
[Via Instagram]
There are a few ways in which you can support Che Crawford, our artist, and one is at Patreon. Ford Saunders is the other, and husband and co-writer. In another example of an appropriately witty attribute, Che writes,
I create webcomics based on our table top roleplay adventures. Ford helps to write them and spellcheck them so if there are mistakes, feel free to @ him on twitter haha (he doesn’t know I’m writing this, so it’ll be a fun surprise).
There are several tiers at Patreon for the Immortal one, but if you’d prefer to support an artist with a one-off donation, there’s also Ko-Fi.
My preferred approach, though, is TeePublic, from where you can buy merch for yourself, for festive gifts and support an artist at the time. I mean, karma almost demands that you treat yourself.
Oh, and don’t swallow random discoveries!
Quick Links
- Instagram: @TheImmortalThinkTank.
- Support: TeePublic | Patreon
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