Lone Wanderer Entertainment’s SagaBorn RPG has been out for years, is a copper bestseller and is rated 4.5/5 stars at DriveThruRPG.

The RPG is story-focused, uses a D20 OGL system, and is a Pay What You Want download. The suggested price is $2.99.
The September released SagaBorn Creature Compendium Quickstart is entirely free.
The Creature Compendium is written by Michael Bielaczyc, and Michael is the co-other of the main SagaBorn core rules.
The Quickstart includes more than half a dozen monsters that PCs might find in the dangerous Atheles setting.
The monsters in SagaBorn’s freebie are;
- Angroll
- Boggart
- Drogga
- Dworven Drone
- Greater Flesh Golem
- Ogre
- Wyvere
An in-game quote from the hunter Etahn Belbane says;
Monsters have invaded our lands. People are scared. And it is our job to help them.
I have compiled many notes throughout my years of hunting, and now I will share these with you, so you can hunt as well. And hopefully make this world safe again.
Quick Links
- Download: SagaBorn.
- Free to Download: SagaBorn Creature Compendium Quickstart