Between 2002 and 2005, Mongoose Publishing meticulously compiled 14 “Supplementary Rulebook” collections, encompassing a vast array of third-party d20 System open content licensed under the Open Game License.
These comprehensive Ultimate volumes, ranging in size from 48 to 256 pages, meticulously gathered material from many sources, including Alderac, Fantasy Flight, Green Ronin, Monte Cook, Mystic Eye, and Mongoose’s own Quintessential series. Unfortunately, the production files for five of these compilations – Ultimate Prestige Classes Volume I, Feats, Arcane Spellbook, Monsters, and Magic Items – have been misplaced. Despite this setback, this offer still presents access to the nine remaining collections, amounting to over 1,800 pages of invaluable d20 System reference material.
There’s zero risk of the other nine files going missing, but they will vanish from the Bundle of Holding on November 29th.
Ultimate Collection – $12.95

There’s a single tier in this offer for the surviving Ultimate d20 downloads, and they’re worth $61 at retail.
- 9 Mongoose Ultimate d20 ebooks
- Power Classes: Heroes of Fantasy
- Fantasy Heroes and Heroines – portraits
Please note that the majority of these PDFs are impeccable image scans of the original printed editions, with clear text for seamless reading. However, in three specific titles – Ultimate Character Concepts, Game Designer’s Companion, and Prestige Classes – the text appears slightly faint but remains entirely readable and easily copyable. Occasionally, the scanned artwork in these titles may exhibit some minor imperfections.
Quick Links
- Bundle deal: Mongoose d20.