The quickstart for Interstellar Mercenary is out on DriveThruRPG ahead of what Geek Native believes to be a February 2024 Kickstarter.

The pitch for Chad Aston’s tabletop game is this; “Now you get to be the monster!”
In Intersteller Mercenary, PCs are members of a team of hired killers. The employer is the embattled Kisrian Empire, who have turned to these ex-murderers, alien-hybrids, cyber-terrorists and disgraced royalty.
The Kisrian Empire is desperate, ravaged on all sides by legions of enemy determined to take land and resources. And, worse is coming, an alien invasion, the forbearer of death for all. With armies depleted, and tasks too violent or dangerous for the soldiers remaining, one hope remains…
Intersteller Mercenary uses its own system with a familiar d20 roll attached to action and modifier, which will be familiar. It runs, though, according to Chad Aston, as progressive and deadly, adding more rules for realism and strategy options for players.
If you want a meaningful difference between using the hilt or the blade, want advanced grappling techniques or to keep an enemy in polearm range this system is for you! Mastering these combat techniques is crucial to survival as any character, no matter how experienced, can still be killed in a single blow.

The quickstart gets gaming groups into Interstellar Mercenary quickly, with a dozen pre-made mercenaries and blank character sheets available from the ISM site.