Mickey… is that you???!
As it’s the 1st January 2024, various things entered the public domain for the first time (including The Man Who Laughs which I just posted about). But it seems indie developer Nightmare Forge Games aren’t wasting ANY time releasing a trailer for a horror game inspired by Steamboat Willie.
You know Steamboat Willie. It’s that classic few Mickey Mouse frames where it’s in black and white, and he’s steering a boat and whistling. In fact, here it is – it was the very first Mickey Mouse cartoon ever made, and now it’s free for anyone to use!
The game developer has partnered with IGN to release the first trailer, and the game itself will be a co-op horror title where you’re tasked with containing an ‘infestation’.
But before you get to the trailer itself, you’re met with a disclaimer acknowledging the content in the game is based on content now available in the public domain, and that it’s not been sponsored or authorised by the original creators. Covering their asses, and wisely so!
As for the game itself, it looks creepy AF – check it out below!
Is this the first of many new titles we’ll see profiting off the classic mouse? Mayhaps. I can easily see horror movies coming out of the woodwork.
Look out for this one being released someone this year!
What do you think of this nightmare-fuel Steamboat Willie? Is it a good premise for a horror? Let me know your thoughts below.