MonkeyBlood Design and the Bundle of Holding have a deal for the OSR-stye Middlerlands RPG.
Designed by ENnie-winning writer-artist-cartographer Glynn Seal, the Midderlands setting is a green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-Middle Ages, early-Renaissance land based on Glynn’s home in the United Kingdom, the Midlands. Many Midderlands locations are grounded in reality, others pure fantasy from the designer’s fevered imagination. This atmospheric (not to say fetid) sandbox setting adapts easily to any Old School Revival rules set such as Old-School Essentials, Swords & Wizardry, and many other Dungeons & Dragons retroclones, or you can add any of the horrific Midderlands monsters, weird locations, and beautiful maps to your own campaign.
The all-new offer runs until January 22nd.

Starter Collection – $14.95
The retail value of the first of two tiers comes to $60 as each download would normally cost $20.
- Midderlands OSR Setting
- Midderlands Expanded
- City of Great Lunden
Bonus Collection
The threshold price started at $29.95 and will rise and fall over time as people chase or avoid it. Those who meet the current threshold value unlock a further $70 worth of The Middlerlands content.
- Adventures in Great Lunden
- Fighting Folk of the Haven Isles
- Folk Magic of the Haven Isles
- Bats of Saint Abbans
- Chewer of Fingers
- Behind the Walls
- Midderlands Rivers and Lakes
Sell me on The Midderlands
- A unique blend of history and fantasy: Explore real-world echoes twisted into fantastical landscapes.
- Dark charm and atmospheric details: From bustling taverns to forgotten crypts, immerse yourself in a richly textured world.
- System-agnostic freedom: Tailor the setting to your preferred Old School ruleset.
- Monstrous menagerie and bizarre encounters: Unveil horrifying creatures and otherworldly entities.
- Drop-in-ready magic: Enrich your existing campaign with Midderlands’ unique flavour.
Two charities benefit from each purchase of the bundle: British Heart Foundation and Macmillan Cancer Support.
Quick Links
- Bundle of Holding: The Midderland.