Atlas Games have announced Ars Magica: Definitive Edition, that they are looking for feedback from the community and are linking to Backerkit sign-ups as a way to get more info about the project.
The game will be crowdfunded, but Atlas seem confident that the campaign will hit targets.

Ars Magica is set in Mythic Europe, a historically grounded version of Europe and the Levant around AD 1200, with an important twist: all the folklore and myths believed by people in the Middle Ages are actually true. So, expect to encounter fairies, dragons, and other fantastical creatures!
In previous editions of the tabletop RPG, magic was a detailed and complex system based on combining Latin verbs and nouns to cast spells. Players learn and develop their magical abilities throughout their characters’ lives.
The game encourages collaborative storytelling, where players not only control their own magus characters but also contribute to the development of the covenant the magi belong to, as well as the larger world around them.
Ars Magica 5th Edition Definitive will be leased under an open license (and probably CC BY-SA 4.0). David Chart, the line developer, has been updating the underlying 5th Edition text.
Atlas Games will release a deluxe, full colour and hardcover print edition and heirloom production quality.
There’s been no new print products for Ars Magica since 2016, but Atlas Games say the RPG is important to them, noting that their first product, Tales of the Dark Ages, was a scenario collection for it.
Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein-Hagen’s game was published in 1987, first by Liom Rampant, then by Rein-Hagen’s White Wolf, and next by Wizards of the Coast, who sold Ars Magica to Atlas Games in 1996.
Via Atlas Games.
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