RPG publisher brought Defiant out in 2020, and the phrase “adult RPG” was mentioned then. In the tabletop roleplaying game, your character is a powerful supernatural who decided not to destroy their city at the end of the world and came to protect and rule it instead and is now engaged in high-power politics.
It’s a bit like Game of Thrones, except the players are demons, angels, dragons or ancient gods.
Defiant has gone on to be a success, with new Kickstarters, supplements and distribution deals, and this blogger was wondering whether the ‘adult’ tone was beginning to be pushed back by the marketing or positioning.
Oh, nope!
Today, Game Machinery has published Defiant Guide to Orgies.
We’re told it’s all ‘Safe for Work’.
While this guide’s topic is quite adult, no graphic descriptions or explicit art is used throughout. The idea was to make it as “safe for work” as the main Defiant rulebook.
The supplement is about 90 pages long and has ideas, advice and GM rules for, well, lewd parties and spicy events. There are examples.
The book, which is for sale via DriveThruRPG, says this in the blurb;
Welcome to the most unique Defiant RPG supplement so far!
As the title might suggest, this is an entire publication focused on supernatural lewd parties and spicy events. The Defiant love to explore all the world has to offer, so it’s no surprise many Royals show vast interest in all sorts of debauchery, and aristocratic orgies are pretty standard, or at the very least way more prevalent than in the mortal societies. This is a complete guide for anyone interested in including supernatural lewd events in their Defiant Episodes.
This guide is meant mainly for GMs, though we encourage every Player to try running a Chronicle at least once to see that GMing Defiant isn’t that hard. This book has no “GM-only” secrets, so everyone should feel free to read it. It covers all “orgy-related” topics, from safety rules at the gaming tables to types and crucial elements of a supernatural lewd party. You’ll also find advice on running games that include spicy elements, as well as six ready-to-use events to either insert into your Chronicle or draw inspiration from.

Geek Native has taken a peek at the index and can confirm sections such as;
- “What is an Orgy?” (I suggest if you don’t know that this might be an enlightening RPG supplement)
- “How to Deal With Boring Orgies”
- “A Naked Night at the Opera” (as a sample orgy)
Importantly, the download also has safety and comfort tools, including the familiar Lines and Veils system.
The art is no more sexy than it is in Defiant, but I suspect the charged illustrations in Defiant helped the RPG sell in the first place.
Game Machinery already has an Electrum Best Seller catering to potentially sexy RPGs with Reimagined. This RPG is a game for two players and gets into fanfic where you and a willing partner spin “what-if” stories on relationships from your favourite books, games or shows.
Gamers curious about Defiant can download Defiant Awakening for free. Described as covering the basics, the PDF is nearly 300 pages long and admits it is enough to last for several sessions.

At the time of writing, Defiant Guide to Orgies has landed well, with DTRPG listing it as Game Machinery’s hottest title.
Quick Links
- Download for Free: Defiant Awakening
- Download: Defiant | Defiant Guide to Orgies