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Over at Amazon, you can find The Wanderer’s Memories in three colours. Since the designer Marco Cormagi is Italian, you can find them in Italian too.
But are they, and what do they look like? Thankfully, Marco has shared some pictures on Facebook so we can see inside. We can see the Italian versions, but certainly enough to bring these D&D journals to life.
There are more than character sheets in these books, although are 12 pages just for your character.
There’s also room for noting details of the campaign and the party of adventurers who are busy out on quests, exploring dungeons and messing up the local politics.
Each Wander’s Memories journal has more than sixty pages for session notes.

Journals and especially character sheets aren’t uncommon on Amazon, but they often come from big publishers, and it’s far less usual to find a fan who’s got their own range listed.
Quick Links
- Amazon: The Wanderer’s Memories