There are several places to grab Green Ronin’s Kickstarter preview and quickstart for Valiant Adventures, including their own store, but what caught my eye was the DriveThruComics listing.
DriveThruComics is the sister site of DriveThruRPG, and it’s there too.
It’s not a surprise that the Valiant Adventures quickstart might use DriveThruComics to draw attention to itself and the forthcoming Kickstarter as it’s a comic-book franchise.
Indeed, we’ve had Valiant RPGs before, but this third edition is powered by Green Ronin’s Mutants & Masterminds system.
Valiant Comics, founded in 1989 and now owned by DMG Entertainment, has such characters as Bloodshot (played by Vin Diesel in the movie), X-O Manowar, Doctor Mirage, and Armor Hunters. A 2023 deal gives Alien Books publishing rights. Manowar, not Bloodshot, appears centre-most on the Quickstart cover page.
Valiant is often listed in the top ten largest comic book publishers, generally behind IDW Publishing, but contemporary data is hard to find.
Green Ronin’s quickstart to the RPG offers up the basics of gameplay, some pre-genned heroes for you to dive into and a starter adventure called Re: Generation (which seems appropriate for Valiant) to play.
There’s also a glossary to help with terms.
The Kickstarter is expected to go live on the 23rd of January.
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