It’s the end of the RPG week, the start of the RPG weekend, and so time for RPG news!
Let’s start with Routinely Itemised’s summary of the weekly summary!
- Unusually, there is a bundle off on Wizards of the Coast’s new Chains of Asmoedus.
- Pre-orders are open for CMON’s Assassin’s Creed TTRPG: Animus Handbook core rules.
- Shadow of the Weird Wizard is 2024’s most anticipated TTRPG.
- A Warhammer: The Old World TTRPG is coming.
- The Rebel Moon TTRPG isn’t coming, but Netflix and Evil Genius Games have settled their legal row.
- Resolution Games is working on a D&D VR experience.
It worked for once! I asked Eric Bloat in the RPG Publisher Spotlight on Bloat Games about future plans and got them. We know “Now That You’re Dead” is coming.
As a reminder, it’s nearly the end of the month, so Patrons can vote for February’s candidates in this private poll where Terry Maranda is currently winning.
It’s also the waking moments of ZineQuest and the tail end of Make 100, and yes, one publisher managed to straddle both, so expect a long Kickstarter list this week, but as the Heat chart shows, the volume isn’t compensating for the low targets.
Lastly, it’s also the restart of Edinburgh’s Indie Gamers’ Storygame Saturdays, and that’s something to look forward to! Well, for some of team Geek Native, anyway!
That done, let’s get cracking with the complete Routinely Itemised RPG news experience!
Support: Patrons.
RPG news from Geek Native
- The Rebel Moon TTRPG is no more, killed off in the otherwise amicable settlement between Evil Genius Games and Netflix.
- Bloat Games announce ‘Now That You’re Dead’ TTRPG and an OSE conversion of ‘We Die Young’ in their Spotlight interview.
- Resolution Games is working with Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast for an official Dungeons & Dragons VR.
- In the Bundle of Holding, there are deals on the intrigue and philosophical quandies of Angels in Relics and dwarf drama in Axes and Anvils.
Spotlight: Bloat Games
RPG news from around the web

- EN World’s community has voted on the most anticipated TTRPGs for 2024 and Schwalb Entertainment’s ‘Shadow of the Weird Wizard’ tops the list.
- Yahoo and Marco Wutz covered A Warhammer: The Old World TTRPG is coming.
- Wargamer writes about Mike Mearls in Laid off by Hasbro, ex DnD designer wants to fix the game’s faults.
- Ars Technica’s Kevin Purdy noted Dungeons & Dragons turns 50 this year, and there’s a lot planned for it.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- The Indie Game Reading Club has a glowing review of Stonetop.
- At Dicebreaker, Alex Meehan reviews the Scooby-Doo style The Mystery Business.
- At, Powzin reviewed Eoin Maguire’s Wardens.
- Reviews from R’lyeh looks at DCC’s A Dozen Lankhmar Locations and The Gongfarmer’s Almanac 2015.
- The Other Side reviews AD&D Forgotten Realms’ Moonshae.
- The Alexandrian reviewed Call of Cthulhu’s 2021 Keeper Tips.
RPG new releases

- Pirate Gonzalez Games has a TTRPG inspired by Lancer, Final Fantasy and D&D 4e out called Beacon.
- Nightfall Games has published The Terminator RPG: T2: Judgement Day and T2’s Resist bringing the sequel to the tabletop roleplaying game.
- Acchiappasogni has an English version of the action scene-super-movie-special-technique Dragon Fighters: Advanced Musha Shugyo RPG.
- Dream Realm Storytellers has released a supplement for their food TTRPG with Silverplate: Blight of the Green Witch.
- Catalyst Game Labs has released their core critter rulebook for Shadowrun with Wild Life.
- Geimenheim Games goes forth with the Mythyron Player Handbook.
- The World Anvil has a supplement for Dead Air with Brave New World.
- Open Ended Games has a Foundry VTT core rule module for Against the Darkmaster.
- In physical releases, there are;
- Pre-orders for CMON’s Assassin’s Creed TTRPG: Animus Handbook core rules.
- Pre-orders for Monte Cook Games’ Cypher System Starter Set.
- Pre-orders on Son of Oak’s Queerz! Character Creator Guide.
- Pre-orders for Free League’s Blade Pre-orders for Runner RPG: Case File 02 – Fiery Angels.
- Pre-orders on Free League’s core Dragonbane rules.
- Pre-orders for WizKid’s Dungeons & Dragons: Book Tabs for Phandelver & Below: The Shattered Obelisk and Bigby Presents: Glory Of The Giants.
- It’s not a RPG, but it’s Of Dice & Men: The Story Of Dungeons & Dragons & The People Who Play It by David M. Ewalt and also on pre-order.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $41.61 (49%) in Earl of Fife Games’ New Year, New Game: Incredible Indie Games bundle.
- Save $34.98 (26%) with Wizards of the Coast’s Chains of Asmoedus PDF, PoD and Roll20 bundle.
- Save $25.99 (32%) with Earl of Fife Games’ New Year, New Game: Super Awesome RPG bundle.
- Save $14.37 (42%) in Codex Integrum’s Monsterberg Silesian Sandbox bundle.
- Save $9.99 (50%) with Steven Colling’s Isle of Lore 2: RPG Item Icons (DTRPG+Roll20 bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Ben and the Genre Police discuss implicit or explicit leadership battles between players.
- New Gamemaster Month got into tips such as Dressing Things Up a Bit.
- We still only have leaked possible dates for D&D 5e revised but ScreenRant summed up Everything we know about D&D’s new Player’s Handbook in 2024.
- Chaosium’s President Rick Meints shares collector stories with ‘Good old Burly Bob’ – a basic history of Basic Role-Playing.
- RLD20 asks Will AI be the Future of Dungeons and Dragons?
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth mentioning;

- Donuts for your Dice. The Dodecadonut. from Dodecadonuts raises funds for “Handmade wooden dice boxes that look like donuts. If you like donuts and you like Dungeons & Dragons, you’ll love Dodecadonuts.”
- Audio book of Glorious Empire, a supplement for Traveller from AudioRPG submits “A complete professionally narrated audio book of Glorious Empire, a supplement for Traveller”
- Yokai Companion a Fantasy Expansion for Clash of Katanas from Zenitminiatures kickstarts “New Factions of Kensei Range miniatures and Rulebook Yokai companion to play with Clash of Katanas Wargame”
- 100 Random Encounter Battle Maps! from Arcane Battlemaps nominates “Explore 100 Beautiful High-Quality Maps for all VTT RPG systems: D&D 5e, Pathfinder, CoC and many more! (Make 100)”
- Tavern Games: Inn and Out from Amarik crowdfunds “Bring the inn to your table with 100 new games, either in or out of Dungeons and Dragons!”
- Medieval architecture – Part 4 from Sphere 3D pitches “STL files of highly detailed for 3D printing Terrain Tabletop games, wargames and other RPG Medieval 28 32 75 mm”
- Highway to Hell: a DnD 5E adventure from greedygorgonpress nominates “Seven heavy metal flavoured fiendish boss battles that can be run as a one-shot, side-quest or as drop in boss battles! #ZineQuest”
- Vault 5e: Crafting & Alchemy from Cubicle 7 Games suggests “Complete crafting rules for 5e! Forge magical weapons and armour, brew unique potions, and forage and hunt for the components you need!”
- 100+ Tabletop RPG Magic Items – D&D 5e Compatible from GuusK kickstarts “More than 100 new magic items for your tabletop RPG adventure! Wondrous items, cursed items, potions, weapons, armor and familiars.”
- SIS/TR for Cy_Borg / Mork Borg RPG – Box Set with Minis from Severed Books is working on “SIS/TR is an invasion system and set of interactive minis that will terrorize your Cy_Borg party with thousands of attack combinations.”
- Beasts & Botanicals:Witches of Eruses – Make 100 5E RPG Zine from Outland Games suggests “Be the first to venture into a cottage core world of original dark folklore with our limited PRINT run – just 100 copies available!”
- Mercs and Masters- A Hireling Deck for Old School Essentials from Crumbling Keep is working on “A deck of 50 retainers and specialists for all your OSR games, complete with stats and background.”
- Cloak of Visibility – The Fantasy Map from Skulls & Spirals introduces “The Cloak of Visibility is a 5E compatible practical and new take on classic TTRPG essential sets and accessories.”
- Runic Armoury from George L. Thomas is working on “Runes and weapon customisation for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.”
- Feyforged: The Feywild’s Ultimate Treasury (5E) from The Monster Directive kickstarts “Where every reward unveils a piece of the Feywild’s magic that brings your adventure to life.”
- Food Fight! – True Tabletop Minis from Quirky Unlimited is working on “Are you feeling hungry?! Food Fight miniatures are here!!”
- Pocket Worlds – Vol. 3 from Deviprasad Jayasankar raises funds for “Make your bookshelf’s more lively with this unique scenic worlds based on BookNooks & BookEnds”
- Sci-Fi-V: The System 🚀 A Science Fiction RPG powered by 5E from Squid Ink Games crowdfunds “A clarified science fiction ruleset for 5e with new rules for futuristic adventures and solo roleplaying!”
- Godspark: Solo Tabletop Adventure Game from M. Allen Hall crowdfunds “You are a Saint, scouring the corpses of dead gods for godsparks, the divine energy you need to Ascend.”
- DnD PoisonCraft: Module for Poison, Oil & Flask for D&D 5E from Legendary Scribes introduces “The art of poison-making in Dungeons & Dragons: rare ingredients, enchanting brews, and mechanics for your favourite TTRPG + MAKE 100”
- RPG Maps – The SCI-FI package from Benjámin Weisz submits “SCI-FI Maps with commercial usage right, 3D models with personal usage right. Everything you need to start your SCI-FI TTRPG.”
- Seven Rings Dice 2: Illuminate Your Game from Magic L is working on “Discover the S·R Dice 2: A stunning, glowing dice crafted from Sapelli and Beech wood, combining durability with a lighter touch.”
- Aldwin Dane’s Rings of Power from Titus Tabletop Games nominates “The sage talks about more magic rings than you can fit on all your fingers and toes”
- Enigma Puzzle Gamebooks from Atlas Games suggests “A new Gloom solo adventure and more!”
- Dead Halt RPG Floppy Disks & Screen Printed T-Shirts from Ben Doran ~ Zonware raises funds for “Make100 retro screen printed teeshirts from the Zinequest funded Roleplaying Game Dead Halt, as well as a new adventure on Floppy Disk!”
- Crafting Worlds for Game Masters from Adventurica suggests “Start Crafting Immersive DnD 5E Stories with Maps, Bosses, NPCs, Lore, Rumors and More (Easily Adaptable to Any System)”
- A Few Kittens More from Dark Eagle Games crowdfunds “5e Adventure for levels 3-4: Chapter 2 of the For A Kitten Saga”
- 100 Unique Locations for D&D 5e! from Igor Antunes kickstarts “A DnD 5E supplement packed with: One-page locations, points of interest, Quests, 100+ pages of content for your Campaign or Adventure!”
- Gravest Matters from Rinaldo Agostini suggests “A brand new third-party expansion for Mörk Borg.”
- Orc Death Squad from Malicious Minis pitches “Unleash an ultimate orc death squad upon your enemies! Back our Kickstarter and get over 100 intricately designed orc miniature STL’s.”
- Warp Drive Wanderers from Ze’ev Shames suggests “Warp Drive Wanderers is a tabletop RPG about a ragtag crew of spacefarers coming together to explore the vast expanse of the stars.”
- Reclaimed Runes from Gabriel Reyes pitches “Your go-to dice box crafted from 100% recycled plastic. Stylish, sustainable, and perfect for tabletop gaming!”
- Make 100 – Attack the Bog Troll! from Midlam Miniatures is working on “A 63mm tall Giant Bog Troll for all of your fantasy games.”
- Daerdan’s d100 Taverns: D&D 5e, Pathfinder & Fantasy TTRPGS from Wyatt Trull raises funds for “100 Detailed Fantasy Taverns for TTRPGs!”
- Basketball Dice from Shawn Lanigan introduces “Basketball theme dice.”
- Deep Forest Tiles For Epic Adventures, plus old Tiles. from Hermann Hillmann crowdfunds “Printable 3D STL Files, Miniatures for Tabletop Role Playing Games and Wargames.”
- Arbiter: Judge Jury Executioner A SAVAGE REALMS GAMEBOOK from Savage Realms Gamebooks offers “A sci-fi/space western gamebook in the vein of The Mandalorian…”
- Vastral’s Deck of Many Items from The Grinning Frog submits “Card deck of unique magic items compatible with 5e and other fantasy game systems”
- Storms over Sturmburgh from Broken Blade Publishing nominates “A supplement for the TTRPG, Streets of Peril. This book will provide a detailed setting along with new rules for maritime adventure.”
- Echoes In The Void from Ken kickstarts “Chronicles of the Lone Survivor. A solo RPG experience on an abandoned spaceship.”
- Arcane Seeds – Unearth Hidden Powers in Your 5e Adventure from Joshua Reguindin Gazmin pitches “Transform Your 5e Characters with Ability-Granting Seeds: Unleash Elemental, Mystical, and Primal Powers”
- Shadowdark: The Rats of Ul-Gol from William Murakami-Brundage proposes “A collection of RPG adventures dealing with the vermin of the Shadowdark: the rattish, long-tailed devotees of chittering Ul-Gol.”
- Pilgrims of the Goblin Road from Matt Funk crowdfunds “Legends of Lohre folklore-based roleplay returns for DCC with a Level-1 adventure of secret agendas and twisted challenges.”
- Titan’s Ruin: A Mini-Adventure for DnD 5e from Lars Vink introduces “Join the villagers in their struggle for survival and fight the titan-sized Magmatort in this epic D&D mini-adventure.”
- Ages of Aether: Eye of the storm | 5e adventure with STL from Taiga Miniatures introduces “Ready-To-Play adventure for the 5th Edition and fantasy RPG: illustrations, battlemaps, 2D printables, 3D printable miniatures and more”
- OVERWRITE: A De/Fragmentation Expansion from Ryan Cagle is working on “An 18 card expansion for De/Fragmentation a solo-journaling RPG about Androids, Memory Loss, and how our Memories shape us.”
- 300+ Mythological Creatures for 5E from Mythos Chronicles is working on “A monster compendium inspired by worldwide legends and myths”
Do you know of an RPG news source that we don’t? Let us know, or leave a comment below.