By Odin’s Beard is Kickstarting a remastered edition of the duet (one player, one GM) Norse fantasy tabletop RPG Runecairn.
The original, published By Odin’s Beard and Exalted Funeral, has been reworked on lightweight NSR systems like Cairn, Into the Odd and has hit funding goals. You can see progress on the pitch page.
If you’re curious then there’s a free to download and Dropbox hosted Quickstart.
The 18-page intro has adventurer creation rules, backgrounds, a combat example, monsters and a character sheet.
Equally, if you know the original, then there’s a changelog.
Runecairn is set in a world following the cataclysmic events of Ragnarok, an apocalyptic battle between the gods and the jotunn. In the aftermath, the Nine Realms burn in fire and drown in flood. Most of the gods are either dead or missing and the ruins of the old world are lost to time and new growth.

Backers at the £10 level will get a PDF copy of Runecairn Wardensaga Remastered as a thank you.
At £30, backers also get a hardcover copy of the TTRPG with shipping to be added. The final book is about 84 pages, with cover art from CROM and custom endpapers.
A variant edition swaps out the standard edition as a reward for £50 backers.
At £55 or £75 for the variant edition, the Runecain Bestiary is added in as a second hardback.
The various add-ons, such as patches and character sheets, are layered in until the top tier of £150.
By Odin’s Beard estimate a July 2024 delivery and will run the Kickstarter until February 22nd.