It’s not really that romantic to send AI-generated art, although I suspect it’s better than nothing. Please note that I have no skills in this area.
I suspect actual Pokemon gifts are best, but in addition or as an alternative to that, you can put the human talents of Angela Poch and Dani Steffes at to use with these free e-cards.
Bulbasaur Valentine’s
You’ll always be my #0001.

Braixen Valentine’s
Don’t go Braixen my heart.

Magikarp Valentine’s
You’re my favourite catch.

Rockruff Valentine’s
You Rockruff my world.

Applin Valentine’s
You’re the Applin of my eye.

Eevee Valentine’s
You’re just my type!

Deino Valentine’s
You’re Deino-mite!

Bayleef Valentine’s
I can’t Bayleef you’re my Valentine.

Jigglypuff Valentine’s
You make my heart sing.

Pumpkaboo Valentine’s
You’re my Pumpka-boo.

Seel Valentine’s
This Valentine is Seel-ed with a kiss.

Meowth Valentine’s
Are you gonna ask Meow-th?

Butterfree Valentine’s
I love you Butterfree than anyone else.

Dolliv Valentine’s
Dolliv you so much.

Paras Valentine’s
We make a great Paras.

The whole ‘capture and keep in your pocket’ aspect of Pokemon also needs to be weighed against Valentine’s Day, but these e-cards are too cute for deep thought.
Quick Links
- Download: Pokemon Valentine’s Day e-cards