Snowbright Studio are crowdfunding a time-travelling RPG with early bird extras on offer.
Time Tails is inspired by TV of the 80s and 90s and features cat-people characters with stats like Claws, Paws, Snuggles and Curiosity. The pitch video is in two parts, with the first quarter being about the game and the remaining time a fun docu-meet-the-team. There’s more details on the pitch page.
Those who back Time Tails before the 8th of March and pledge enough to get an Oracle Deck will get Kickstarter-exclusive Oracle Card Power Up stickers.
There’s a four-page quickstart, called ‘reshrinkified rules, available from Google Drive to give a flavour of the game.
The funded Time Tails game will use d4-mechanics for time travel and the resulting paradoxes and rules to allow characters from across the timeline.
The Rules come with 8 time-centric rules, 10 eras and 30 powers that alter time, 30 magic items and 30 time monsters.
Time Tails lets you travel back and forth through time in ways that you’ve only ever imagined. Will you challenge Mozart to a dinosaur race? Rescue the Titanic? Battle robot crabs in your local Blockbuster? Go on and get out those claws! But watch out… if you cause too much trouble in history, you might trigger a paradox!

Backers can support the indie game by sharing it on social media and offering cash support from $1 and up. The PDF version of the RPG unlocks as a reward at $15.
The physical Time Tails rulebook is added to the reward pile once backers contribute $25 or more, and shipping is widespread but limited to certain countries only.
The Paradox Oracle Deck is used for, well, paradoxes and for which Early Birds get extra content, and the physical rules are the two rewards at $75.
There is a lot of merch available for this campaign, leaning into the two characters featured in the pitch video. We’ve had access to those with the add-ons and by the time we’re up to $150 in pledges the floodgates open and in addition to the PDF and physical book, complete with Oracle Deck, there’s now also Time Tails dice, posters, a heavy GM screen, stickers, a Blockbuster movie card, a Time Tails cereal box and six time bands.
Plushes and pins are added at the heights of $250, but the top tier, at $600, also includes a print and PDF subscription to the Cozy Companion magazine from Snowbright.
The tiers are expected to ship in February 2025, and the campaign runs until March 25th.