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We’re looping back to Gooey Cube’s adventure and campaign setting The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx.
The Kickstarter was funded in minutes, and there are two weeks to go. The campaign exceeded $400,000 this weekend, with stretch goals being revealed as we go and backers probably now due to collect hundreds of dollars worth of bonus material.
This adventure is a homage to Gary Gygax, co-written by Luke Gygax and Gooey boss Alphinius. Geek Native is pleased to be part of the clever marketing campaign and is free to highlight what we want.
With that freedom, we’ve already pointed out that this Gygax homage doesn’t require 5e rules; you can use any similar fantasy system, and we’ve also pointed out that it’s a lampoon of an adventure. It has to me, I think; there’s too much parody in here to be entirely straightfaced.
In this video, I want to focus on one of my favourite things; the NPCs. In The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx celebs from the tabletop hobby community appear as NPCs. Heck. We even get statblocks for some of them!
Here’s Larry Elmore, the artist as Elrod the Red. Larry was part of the original TSR, created the SnarfQuest comic and illustrated for D&D, Dragonlance and Magic: The Gathering.
Here’s Penny Williams as Grandma Kit. Penny also worked at TSR, was the Polyhedron newszine editor, was the RPGA Network coordinator and was the senior and coordinating editor for RPG research and development at Wizards of the Coast.
Okay, this chap looks a bit freaky, but compare Zillian the Mage to Todd Michael Putnam, and you’ll see how well the artist has done. If you’ve watched mainstream footage of giant D&D games, with scenery and minis that look like movies transplanted to the tabletop, then that could well have been Putnam’s. He runs the Creative Adventure Tables Facebook Page, which has over 40K members.
There’s Manny Ortiz, who looks totally badass in his Gyzaengaxx gear. Now, I think this the same Manny Ortiz as from Really Dicey. It’s quite a transformation.
The Really Dicey YouTube channel interviews tabletop creators and talked Tomb of Gyzaengaxx just over a week back.
We also have Helen Cook as Nelly Clayfoot. Helen Cook was the second-ever Guest of Honour at Gamicon and has credits on books like TSR’s Star Frontiers, and I think seeing Helen here means we might also get a Zeb Cook too.
We have Skip Williams, who is completing our Williams set, and Skip co-created D&D 3e. As school, because he knew some of the Gygax kids, Skip playtested AD&D for Gary Gygax and went on to help the RPGA, TSR and Polyhedron magazine.
Gooey Cube may release more NPCs before the end of the campaign but the last one I’ve found in Ed Greenwood as Rirandral. Is this a Gandalf like character?
Ed Greenwood created the Forgotten Realms, which has become the default D&D setting for many.
Oh, did I say Ed Greenwood was the last NPC I’d found? I did. Well, let’s not discount Luke Gygax who’ll surely make an appearance.
Quick Links
- Kickstarter: The Tomb of Gyzaengaxx.