The first series of Netflix’s live-action adaptation of One Piece has been such an enjoyable show, and one of the reasons it’s got us in its grip is star Inaki Godoy, who really steals the show as Monkey D. Luffy in every scene he graces with his presence.
So, how much more of this Luffy can we really expect? (Hopefully a lot!)
Well, Godoy recently spoke to Teen Vogue, saying he is willing to play Luffy for years to come, saying: “I can do One Piece for many years and I can be happy, and I don’t need to do a million things.”
The actor did go on to say he’d really interested in expanding his acting chops by playing a character that’s the complete opposite of Luffy, though: “[I’d like to play] someone who is horrible and who loves being horrible.”
And, y’know, considering the way Godoy plays Luffy, I can also – perhaps far too easily – imagine him playing a completely wacky evil villain type. Yeah, now I want to see this, too.
There’s no update on when season two of Netflix’s One Piece will be out, but we’re really looking forward to seeing more from Monkey D. Luffy and the straw hat pirates!
What do you think – would Godoy be a good villain, or should he stick to being adorable as Luffy? Opinions in the comments, c’mon!