It’s a bank holiday weekend here in the UK, and next week there’s UK Games Expo. Geek Native will be spending — me! Say hi.
Here’s the TTRPG summary of summaries!
- It’s PaizoCon Online 2024, so we’re getting some great digital bundles.
- D&D has redesigned the gold dragon.
- RTG has shared a sneak peek inside their (not)core new Cyberpunk RED Edgerunners RPG.
- Geek Native spoke to Rob Heinsoo about the 13th Age.
There’s news about May’s RPG Publisher Spotlight in that we might get the Calamity Punk Publishing interview out in time. Contact has been made. A round of questions is away. We’ve never cut it that fine.
It’s also not too late to vote in this month’s poll if you can. The candidates are;
Where can you vote? Patrons do so on a private page.
On with the news!
Competition: Heavenbreaker.
RPG news from Geek Native
- I got to talk to Rob Heinsoo about 13th Age 2nd edition.
- In RPG-tangent news, Kickstarter gets into marketing.
- The Bundle of Holding has a double offer on The Wyrd.
Spotlight: Calamity Punk Publishing
RPG news from around the web

- It’s PaizoCon Online 2024 and Paizo also has the news you can Play Pathfinder Online with Roll20’s New Character Sheet, Bundles, & Prices!.
- Stephen Tang suggests D&D’s New Core Rulebooks Will Fix A Major Spellcasting Problem.
- R. Talsorian Games offers a A Peek Inside the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit – The Rule Book.
- ComicBook scores the news that Dungeons & Dragons Reveals new gold dragon design.
- As another exclusive, Christian Hoffer notes Dungeons & Dragons’ New Spelljammer Novel Features Pirates in Wildspace.
- Hannah Adkins at ComicBook pens New Dungeons & Dragons Book Set to Explore Multiverse.
- Derek Garcia at ScrenRant goes with New D&D Player’s Handbook May Be Teasing An Exciting New Mechanic.
- Sci-fi Pulse writes up A 50th Anniversary book celebrating the many worlds, planes, and settings of Dungeons and Dragons.
RPG reviews and interviews from around the web
- J.R. Zambrano notes that ‘Deathmatch Island’ Brings ‘Fortnite’ Vibes To ‘Roll20’.
- Throat Punch Games has a ring side report of Cryptid Creeks.
- OSR Grimoire has a two-part interview with Rob Kuntz – with part one out on Saturday and part two on Sunday.
- Jared Rascher continues the Vecna: Eve of Ruin reviews with part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten and then the finale.
- Dicebreaker and Alex Meehan take a look at the Little Women-inspired RPG Castles in the Air.
- Rob Wieland, at Forbes, notes Dungeons & Dragons Takes A Victory Lap With Vecna: Eve Of Ruin.
- The Other Side reviews the d20 version of Star Wars Roleplaying Game.
- Grognardia pens a retrospective on Greyhawk Wars.
RPG new releases

- Rarr! I’m a Monster Publishing lives up to their name with the monster The Squonk.
- R. Talsorian Games publishes the Roll20 edition through DriveThruRPG of Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode.
- Renegade Game Studios hits release on G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game Ferocious Fighters: Factions in Action Vol. 1 Sourcebook.
- SDG Interactive Publishers has released a PDF edition of their sci-fi Veil of the Void Reforged.
- Fully Automated! OG Dev Group published their Fully Automated! Solarpunk RPG.
- Full Metal Games goes with THRICE Fantasy.
- EDGE Studio has the Midnight campaign Crown of Shadow.
- Alexander Lenz has published the mercenary company campaign-oriented Soudard core rules.
- In physical orders and pre-orders;
- Cubicle 7 has the fancy limited edition Warhammer: Fantasy Roleplay: 4th Edition: Lustria.
- And the regular hardcover Lustria too.
- UltraPro has wheeled out their D&D: Journal for the 50th Anniversary.
RPG bundle deals
- Save $156.64 (50%) with Kent David Kelly’s The Gigantic Everything Oldskull bundle of 124 titles.
- Save $143.81 (88%) on Helen Savore’s PazioCon24 DriveThruRPG megabundle.
- Save $55.89 (74%) with Eldritch Osiris Games’ PaizoCon 2024 bundle and $45.89 on another one.
- Save $28.98 (50%) through Bloat Games’ Otherworld / Nightworld / Robotworld / Space Station M bundle.
- Save $21.67 (50%) on Theokyd’s One Year Anniversary bundle.
- Save $20 (36%) on Serpent Sea Games’ Kamigakari Complete Collection.
- Save $7.72 (52%) on Triden Games’ The Defiance Trilogy.
- Save $5.84 (10%) with Goodman Games’ MCC RPG Starter bundle.
- Save $1.49 (27%) with Imagination Underway on the Feylost Campaign Start bundle.
RPG ideas, tips and discoveries
- Charles Dunwoody explores Ad Astra – Mutant: Year Zero Extended Campaign.
- Ahead of the release of the $99 Dungeons & Dragons The Making of Original 1970-1977 and official D&D non-fiction book, Zenopus speculates what’s inside.
- Kobold Press shares Heritage How-to: Write your own Tales of the Valiant RPG heritages!.
- The Angry GM asks Is game balance worth a damn?
RPG Crowdfunding
You can see those Kickstarters and other crowdfunding campaigns that caught Geek Native’s attention over at Kickstarter watch. Here are some industry projects worth mentioning;

- Neon Skies – Alternative Cyberpunk Tabletop Roleplaying from Wyloch’s Armory submits “Brand new rules system. Brand new setting. A refreshing take on the genre of cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying.”
- STRIGA! An Exploration Fantasy TTRPG from Giuseppe Novecento Manfredi introduces “Delve into the underground ruins of a collapsed and lost city, in this exploration-focused TTRPG.”
- 1 Euro – 3x DnD One-Shots by La Torre (5E) from The Velar Company submits “Immerse yourself in 3 exciting D&D OneShots for any setting! Only €1 for 3 quests! Join the adventure now!”
- CNC-Crafted D20 Dice: Two Metals in One Die from SoarDice submits “CNC machined metal dice assembled from 21 pieces, a minimalist fusion of function and art.”
- 100 Feats & Backgrounds for D&D 5e! from Paws for Effect pitches “A DnD 5e supplement that delves into character customization, providing various Feats & Backrounds inspired by history.”
- Salt & Sorrow: A D&D 5e Adventure from Two Taverns is working on “A D&D 5e one shot adventure set in a fantasy world. Epic fights, bizarre weapons, intriguing characters.”
- Mystmoor from Hounds & Jackals – Games & Magic offers “A TTRPG Fantasy Horror Campaign & Setting (System Friendly with support for EZD6 and Shadowdark)”
- Legends of Cyr-Nul: Isles of Mist – a module for Dragonbane from Sean Fontaine suggests “The second in a series of adventures set in the world of Cyr. To be played with the Dragonbane rules set.”
- Clockwork Arcana Quadometer from Clockwork Arcana proposes “Track points in your tabletop games with this metal counter that features two primary, self-aligning dials and two smaller dials.”
- $1 Starfinder 1-Shot Adventure: “Echoes of the Rogue AI” from Ben W offers “A high-stakes sci-fi quest against a rogue AI, featuring epic battles and sanity challenges.”
- Modern Magic TTRPG from Mario Alvarenga kickstarts “A new type of table top roleplaying game with a focus on character customization and accessibility for new players!”
- Devabhumi: A TTRPG setting inspired by Ancient India from Silver Compass Maps is working on “Explore the Land of the Gods and immerse yourself in the magic of Ancient India in this DnD 5e, Pathfinder 1e & 2e campaign setting!”
- Battle Cry! A 5e Gladiator Arena adventure!! from Matthew David submits “A D&D 5e adventure set in the War Pit, an Orc controlled Gladiator Arena”
- Urban Mages: Addendum Arcanum from Max Jowett kickstarts “An expansion for Urban Mages (the TTRPG where your magic can be anything you want)”
- Geode Sharp Edge Dice Sets from Robin’s Nerd Supplies introduces “Geode themed dice sets with sharp edge hand polished finish”
- One shot dungeons: Desert Adventures from PetDM crowdfunds “Discover the secrets buried in the sand! Embark on arduous desert adventures for Dungeons & Dragons 5E!”
- Beneath The Big Top – A DnD 5e Adventure & Circus Compendium from OneShotTPK suggests “Uncover the mysteries of a growing traveling Circus in this 3 part D&D 5e Adventure”
- 5e D&D Cinematic Dueling from Matthew White pitches “Maximize the drama of single combat in your 5th edition DnD game with this cinematic twist on 5e combat rules!”
- Iskandar Adventures 5E from M.T. Black raises funds for “A collection of scintillating adventures for the world’s favorite roleplaying game!”
- Ham Over Fest: RPG Adventure for 5E & 0e Dungeons & Dragons from Jason Pennet is working on “A vividly illustrated, full color 32+ page multi-session adventure with scale maps. For 2nd – 3rd level characters.”
- DRAGONLOCK: Lost City of the Dwarves from Tom Tullis crowdfunds “Discover a 3D printable dwarven city, featuring expansive caverns and mine terrain, perfect for enhancing your tabletop D&D games!”
- The Adventure Journal : Thaloria Quest from Ocular Oddities kickstarts “A unique blend of a dynamic habit-learning journal and a personalized RPG narrative. Complete tasks in real life to earn exp.”
- Dragon Flame – Gemstone Dice Set Collection from Kurt Team kickstarts “A gemstone dice collection set that combines both collectibility and practicality.”
- Thunderstone Quest Rise and Fall by AEG from Alderac Entertainment Group kickstarts “Two new Quests for the massively successful deck building adventure game designed by Mike Elliott”
- Pathfinder2Epic: A Guide To Epic Heroes And Monsters from EpicTabletopGaming suggests “A guide to epic level play, with 8 classes upgraded for epic level play, epic archetypes and monsters to challenge them.”
- The Mine of Vile Echoes, a Disturbing DnD 5e Adventure from LunaBear Games offers “What if “The Thing” took place in a dwarven mine? Who will you trust in this eerie subterranean adventure for DnD 5e.”
- Jungle Quest from Admiral Apocalypse is working on “🌿 Jungle themed 3D-Printable STL Files for Wargames, Tabletop RPGs & Hobby Painting – 🐦”
- Chips fantasy – A solo TTRPG Zine from ElChicoNeo! pitches “A Solo Journaling TTRPG set on a humoristic city full of wizards, rats, chips and wizard rats eating chips.”
- SHOTGLASS ADVENTURES: 2×2 ONE-SHOTS for DnD 5e & OSR! from Laidback Dungeon Master submits “2 Shotglass Adventure PDF Oneshots for 4 Bucks (AU)! DnD 5e & OSR adventure, Gridded & Ungridded Maps, 5e/1e Monsters & Magic Items!”
- Consumed by Darkness of Depths – Dice Accessories Set – STL from Crosaden nominates “DT4 – 3D Printable Dice Tower, Dice Tray and Dice Box Set for Tabletop Games, Board Games, Wargaming, and RPG – STL Files”
- 5E Crackin’ CRAZY Crawfish! A 1$ One Shot! from J.T. Williams is working on “5E Compatible One Shot in a ‘Cajun’ inspired setting!”
- Crafting Worlds for GMs – Vol 2 for 5E D&D from Adventurica proposes “A supplement for DnD 5e that includes maps, adventure hooks, new enemies, new magic items and more!”
- Card Crypt, A Storage Box for RPG Card Decks from Philip Reed pitches “This custom box has enough space to hold seven 54-card decks. Great for transporting cards to your next RPG session!”
Do you know of an RPG news source that we don’t? Let us know, or leave a comment below.