In 2019, fantasy maps created by Guillaume Tavernier received widespread attention and praise on Kickstarter. The French artist is back with another book, 200 pages and over 100 maps for six different regions.
There’s a free preview link below, a Geek Native exclusive and the pitch page to visit.
The free to download preview is available from Guillaume’s Dearchitecturart site.
A Collection of Fantasy Maps is system-neutral without mention of stats. There are monsters and NPCs, and they’re yours to adapt at your leisure.
The Swallowed
Emerging from the unfathomable Mists of Premices, the Swallowed has always been known to the locals. It has brought them wealth since strange hooded figures offered them a easy deal: to guide adventurers to the dungeon in exchange for a bag of gold! This continued and the locals learnt to overlook the fact that the travelers never reappeared… But recently, the villagers have become worried. Adventurers continue to go there and disappear, but no gold appears on the “gold stone”, set up at the entrance to the village. Naturally, they are thinking of hiring mighty adventurers to come and bring them back some information…
The Swallowed was built by powerful magicians few centuries ago. They used the power contained in magical objects and artifacts to summon a dreadful entity from Limbo, a parallel world that absorbs energy from the universe. To achieve this, they created a Void Sphere, reproducing the environment of Limbo. They threw into it magical objects gathered from adventurers and artifacts brought back by a guild of grave robbers. The creature was supposed to take shape in the Golden Sepulcher, but that didn’t happen. Instead, the entity took shape in the Mists themselves, which flow beneath the Swallowed. When magicians realized it, it was too late. The Entity was too powerful and it devoured their vital energy. Only the bodies drained of life remain in the Swallowed… along with the Entity who, thanks to the villagers, continues to have enough to “eat” here. Who will be the next victims? Unless some brave adventurers manage to send the Entity back to its world?

Backers at €32, about £28, get the digital edition of the maps. That’s a PDF book but a VTT bundle is available at that tier as an add-on.
At €49, backers get the printed book and printed stretch goals with add-ons available again.
The Regular Edition, though, unlocks at €75, and has both the printed and PDF books, slipcase with printed maps, the VTT bundle, one-page dungeons and both physical and digital stretch goal types.
Gamers who fancy picking up the Collection of Fantasy Maps I can do with this new book at a combo tier of €110.
The project has a March 2025 delivery estimate and will run on Kickstarter until June 24th.