Arc Dream Publishing’s scary blend of conspiracy theories at Cthulhu mythos horror come together in the tabletop RPG Delta Green.

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Players are operatives in a secret government group tasked with keeping dangerous secrets.
For the next two weeks or so, Humble has a deal with the core Agent’s Handbook and Handler’s Guide with a library of supporting books.
Pay at least £0.79

- Delta Green Evidence Kit: God’s Teeth
- Delta Green: Agent Dossiers
Pay at least £7.90

- Delta Green: The Complex
- Delta Green: Static Protocol
- Delta Green Evidence Kit: The Labyrinth
- Delta Green: ARCHINT
- Delta Green Evidence Kit: God’s Teeth
- Delta Green: Agent Dossiers
Pay at least £14.22

- Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes
- Delta Green: Conspiracy
- Delta Green: Agent’s Handbook
- Delta Green: Handler’s Guide
- Delta Green: God’s Teeth
- Delta Green: A Night at the Opera
- Delta Green: Control Group
- Delta Green: The Labyrinth
- Delta Green: Black Sites
- Delta Green: Iconoclasts
- Assets: Known Vectors 1
- Assets: Murder Board 1
- Assets: Law Enforcement 1
- Assets: Public Interest 1
- Delta Green: The Complex
- Delta Green: Static Protocol
- Delta Green Evidence Kit: The Labyrinth
- Delta Green: ARCHINT
- Delta Green Evidence Kit: God’s Teeth
- Delta Green: Agent Dossiers
Some of the money this offer raises goes to support Covenant House, who provide food and shelter to homeless and trafficked young people.
There are some impressive amounts on the leader board with Kit Kayem, SadOldMagician, Midnightplat, ProcyonACMi and Maverick A25 all contributing $50 each.
Quick Links
- Humble: Delta Green: RPG Collection.