When I saw the first ads for Outgunned Adventure I assumed it was an expansion for the popular Outgunned TTRPG from Two Little Mice. I wasn’t entirely right. Outgunned Adventure is also a standalone RPG which means you can start here.
The project is on BackerKit’s crowdfunding platform and launched with a target of €10,000. There’s just under two weeks left to back, and if you do, you’ll be joining nearly 2,500 backers who’ve pledged more than €325,000. It’s hugely overfunded, and you can see the latest progress on the pitch page.
Inspired by pulp adventures such as Indiana Jones and The Mummy, Outgunned Adventure uses a cinematic dice system known as Director’s Cut.
There’s a Pay What You Want (PWYW) Outgunned Adventure Quickstart on DriveThruRPG with a recommended price of $1. People must have been paying for the 73-paged download as it’s sold enough to earn the Gold Seller badge, and free (or nearly free) products don’t count.
The Director’s Cut uses small pools of d6 when there’s a risk to the situation, but you’re neither trying to low high or low. The goal is to match die values such as rolling pairs, three-of-a-kind or more if you’ve enough dice in the pool.
Characters have a Role and a Trope and if you’ve already got Outgunned then Outgunned Adventure acts as an expansion by adding roles suitable for the pulp genre.
- The Daredevil: Ex-Soldier, Explorer, Tomb Robber
- The Captain: Sea Wolf, Aviator, Expedition Leader
- The Professor: Archeologist, Librarian, Teacher
- The Star: Celebrity, Multimillionaire, Great Artist
- The Smuggler: Rogue, Thief, Counterfeiter
OUTGUNNED ADVENTURE [200+ pages in full color, hard cover, 15×23 cm] Outgunned Adventure is a Genre Book that contains all the basic rules needed to play Pulp Adventures with Outgunned. It is fully standalone, but if you wish to enrich your gaming experience, you can find additional mechanics and options in the Outgunned Corebook.

Backers at €29 get all the digital stretch goals and PDFs of Outgunned Adventure plus the expansions and sourcebooks Action Flicks vol 2, Fall of Atlantis and Assistant Director in PDF.
There are two €69 options; one called Diehard and the other Explorer. The Diehard tier gets Outgunned in hardcover and PDF, action dice, an Outgunned movie poster, World of Killers, Action Flicks and Project Medusa in PDF. However, Explorer is far more popular with backers and Outgunned in hardcover and PDF, adventure dice, and Adventure movie poster, all the digital stretch goals with Action Flicks vol 2, Fall of Atlantis and Assistant Director in PDF.
The €95 tier gets all the expansions in PDF, both the posters, and both Outgunned and Outgunned Adventure in PDF and hardcover.
From the €149 tier onwards, the list of rewards gets very long. The €149 tier offers Outgunned Adventure in hardcover and PDF, Action Flicks 2 in hardcover and PDF and Fall of Atlantis in softback booklet and PDF. There are also adventure dice, an adventure GM screen, an adventure deck, an Outgunned Adventure movie poster, Assistant Director in PDF, plus a list of unlocked goodies. Unlocked, so far, are trap, luck and run cards for the deck, a dice pouch, bronze bullet dice (which is a metal d6), a passport, three spotlight adventure coins, an Action Flick 2 movie poster plus a world map with a plane mini.
How can you do a travel montage in a pulp adventure without a model plane moving over a world map?
At €199, backers also get Outgunned in hardcover and PDF, World of Killers and Action Flicks 1 & 2 hardcover and PDF. There are also mission dossiers for Project Medusa and Fall of Atlantis. There are only digital stretch goals here, though.
The top tier is €299, which adds booklets for Project Medusa and Fall of Atlantis, increases the movie poster count to four and adds the physical stretch goals back in.
BackerKit also supports add-ons, so you can end up with a pretty parcel making its way to you from Two Little Mice.
The campaign finishes on June 20th and the plan is to begin shipping at the end of May in 2025.