In Zack Snyder’s mythical world of epic battles, great deeds, and deep despair, King Leif (Stuart Martin) is rescued on the battlefield by Sigrid (Sylvia Hoeks), a warrior with whom he falls in love.
The series is due out on Netflix later this year.
Snyder has discussed Twilight of the Gods, saying;
It’s basically this: there’s a king and his queen in a small Viking village, and they want to get married. An event happens to them at their wedding that causes Sigrid, who is the bride to be, who is the child of giants, to go on a crazy mission of revenge.
She enlists a cast of characters – a seer, a dwarf – and they come together to form a band that has this one mission to find a god and fight him. It’s a mission, it’s a revenge story.
Sigrid is this beautiful, very Scandinavian kind of cold but passionate character that I’ve really enjoyed working through and with because she’s just so cool. Sylvia Hoeks voices her.”
It sounds like Vikings with a D&D mashup, mythical monsters, demons and some Norse legends.
Netflix has told us a little more about Twilight of the Gods, and we know that the ‘wedding night event’ is terror from Thor (Pilou Asbæk) and that the two won’t be alone on their vengeance quest.
We also know that Paterson Joseph will voice Loki, and John Noble will play Odin.
Jay Oliva and Eric Carrasco co-created the series, with Deborah Snyder, Wesley Coller, and Oliva serving as executive producers. Zack Snyder, Jay Oliva, Tim Divar, Andrew Tamandl, and David Hartman will direct some episodes.
Twilight of the Gods debuts September 19th.
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