If you like bad trailers for terrible movies – as in, the cringeworthy b-movie types that some people seem to love to watch – then this Catnado trailer is probably right up your street.
It’s a literal tornado consisting of cats, with the build-up of a Southern-accented American lady and cute cats being almost worth watching the hilarious atrocity that follows.
The world faces a horrific onslaught of tornadoes, each unleashing hordes of enraged and deadly cats upon humanity! As chaos reigns, a disparate group of individuals have one mission: to stop this feline fury. But against such odds, and with only one life to spare per person, their battle becomes a cat-astrophic struggle for survival. And when the fur flies it will be a meow-ssacre!
Not gonna lie, the budget for this feels like maybe $250 tops. But I’ve got to admit, I’ve now watched this trailer a few times, as I’m kind of fascinated.
Catnado actually has multiple people willing to admit they’re directors on this project, including Donald Farmer, Tim Ritter, Curtis Everett, Alaine Hungington, and more. Let that sink in.
Catnado stars Erica Rowell Green, Joshua G. Otto, Blair Kelly, Serena Salieri, and Tucky Williams.

Catnado will be released by Wild Eye direct-to-VOD / DVD on 22nd October.
Will you be watching Catnado in October, or do you think the people that made this should have just saved their money? Comment below.