Teasing the Fates series, but not the famous Fate/ anime, is a short sci-fi called Barren.
Abandoned on a ravaged Earth, a lone wanderer and their companion stumble upon a sinister secret within the depths of a derelict Hydronite mine.
Fates is hard to get your head around, but it describes itself as an immersive narrative-driven world led by the Assembly for the Survival of Humanity. Sadly, it just looks like an early-days ‘web3’ project before AI became the real web3.
As one YouTube comment said (I normally never read the comments);
Whereever they are, at least they are together.
To date, the video has had 15k views, which seems upsettingly low despite the econtent nature of the beast.
If this is all about Ethereum, then there’s something poeticly cheeky about a dangerously hungry mine.
Good news! This anime is in Geek Native’s short film roulette, which means you can click the link to randomly try another.