Done, Not Perfect is on Kickstarter with a shamelessly quirky TTRPG about rolling dice and weird encounters.
The West Midlands-based group only asked for £100 to fund, and it’s safe to say that after 200+ backers, they’re miles over target. There are about two weeks left to join in, and you can see progress on the pitch page.
Done, Not Perfect promise;
- Zero prep
- Learn as you go
- Lots of dice
Encounters are pretty weird with hamsters, hairy babies, grannies and 80s-style training montages given as examples.
The rule seems to be that you can do anything you fancy, provided it’s not a repeat. The game system has you collect dice earned through unique actions. These dice add to your strength and skill so that you can roll them all for an epic encounter.
If that sounds quirky, note that Done, Not Perfect is a new company founded by artist Chris Purchase-Green and artist Darby Machin. I’ll admit it was the art that first caught my eye.
Dice Hard is designed to be played with zero preparation and no learning of rules, you can play a whole session in just an hour if you like or spend the whole evening working your way through the most ridiculous encounters you’ve ever faced!
All you need is friends, a copy of Dice Hard and EVERY DICE YOU CAN FIND

Backers can support this indie by making pledges or spreading the word. Those who pledge £1 get access to some add-ons and earn the duo’s appreciation.
For only £3, backers are rewarded with a PDF edition of the rules and a thank-you in the book.
The physical copy unlocks at only £8. It’s an A5 14-page book; unless the stretch goal for colour is hit, it’ll be black and white.
However, the enhanced edition, which is colour, unlocks at £10.
There’s a retail tier and Done, Not Perfect estimate for September for the physical copies of the game and August for the PDFs. It is already August.
The Kickstarter for Dice Hard runs only until August 15th.