Cannon Otter Studio’s next game is Skin City, and the Kickstarter alert page is live.
Skin City is designed for one-shots, uses a modified Mark of the Odd system and pits humanity on the brink of extinction against a cult of skeletons wrapped in artificial meat to pretend to be humans.
Oh, your players are the skeletons.
This satirical nightmare is written by Chuck Kranz, Adam Rose, and Nick O’Hare.
Geek Native expects the Kickstarter to launch on October 1st in about a week. We don’t know when the game will be fulfilled, and for us to be cavorting around as skeletons wrapped in meat, Skin City would have been a short-run campaign with the product ready to go. That’s a shame, but strange things have happened.
Cannon Otter Studio is a new RPG publisher from some old industry vets, and their first RPG, Teenage Oddyssey is out now.
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