Where has the year gone? It’s nearly Halloween!
I know I always say it, but I always mean it, so thank you to all our patrons. Your money is spent on commissions and not technology. You’re helping the hobby industry and not the tech bros.
You can vote for the November candidates on this private poll if you’re a Patreon.
Steve Hatherley won the October vote, so I’ll hustle to get in touch.

The candidates for November are;
That voting link again, in case you need it.
Since it’s Halloween, I thought I’d muck around with some D&D book titles.
D&D books warped by Halloween
I’ve changed just one word…
- Player’s Hauntbook
- Dungeon Master’s Grimoire
- Monster Mausoleum
- Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Eerie
- Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Haunted
- Fizban’s Treasury of Dread Dragons
- Spelljammer: Adventures in Spooky Space
- Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Curses
- Wild Beyond the Witchlight Graves
- Critical Role: Call of the Netherdead