Lulu is a self-publishing platform that lets authors and game designers upload content for people to buy as printed books.
Gamers know the print-on-demand services of sites like DMsGuild and DriveThruRPG. Lulu is an alternative and one favourited by designers looking for a Roll20/OneBookShelf alternative.
You’ll have to be quick, but until the end of Friday, the code SPOOKYSZN15
will get you 15% off!

What if the first RPG was inspired by epic tales of the buccaneers and pirates of the Caribbean? Instead of slogging their way through gloomy dungeons, freebooters hoist the Jolly Roger and seek plunder and adventure on the high seas! FREEBOOTERS is a pirate-themed retro-clone intended to be compatible with the original fantasy RPG, Raiders, Guardians, Colonial Troopers, Warriors of the Red Planet and others. The rules presented can be used as a complete game or a companion to fantasy games using the same overall system. This book is a resource for Referees to pick and choose from!

Play with or without dice! A complete new, skill, ability, and spell system. Play as employees of any of the ‘Big Five’ corporations that make up the Conglomerate, trying to maintain order and harmony, or as the outcast Dissidents, trying to make ends meet on the fringes of society, or strike out against the Conglomerate. Play a science fiction campaign, a fantasy campaign, or move back and forth between worlds as your story requires. You decide!

After 20 years, the Trancers Role Playing Game is finally back in a new and improved second edition! Featuring the same super realistic rule system, with over three new character occupations, and the long-awaited Chapter 5, this is the culmination of years of gaming experience. If you want to play the most realistic and exciting Role Playing Game of all time, try the Trancers Role Playing Game 2nd Edition!!!

FEAR RPG is a free and complete fantasy role-playing game. FEAR RPG has been designed from scratch to be realistic yet flexible. The rules can be adapted to any fantasy world you care to use. There is enough depth to satisfy experienced role-players, and enough explanation to get novices started too. Other than this book and some paper and pencils, you will just need a set of ten-sided dice.

Whitefrank is a story telling game. Everyone who plays it will take turns telling part of the same shared story. The story in Whitefrank is a tale of adventure, romance, treachery, violence, mystery, magic, weird science, horror or any other element the players decide!

The one true Stalker/Roadside Picnic roleplaying game, published with a license from Boris Strugatsky. A visit by an alien power has left behind six Forbidden Zones where the laws of nature have gone mad and life is twisted beyond recognition. Stalkers are criminals and rogues who brave the hazards of the Zones and the guns of their guards in search of alien artefacts.

Mistrunner is a fantasy role playing game set in a far future world of magic and monsters. The game uses a unique rule set, including a completely open magic system.

The galaxy is a vast, varied and dangerous place. You are a small crew on a simple ship. War wages around you as the Free Alliance tries to survive the onslaught of the Victrix Kingdom. Gangsters and warlords prey on the weak factions and lone transports. And you have to find a job to pay off that engine upgrade you made last week… This is a space opera roleplaying game. It aims to be enjoyable, open and simple. Make a few characters, outfit a ship, and get flying!

EVERYVERSE RPG is the COMPLETE role-playing gaming system. It features:
Five Methods of character generation
The same scale for measuring real-world IQ for more meaningful info at a glance
Cascades: tree-like arrays for skill definition from general to specific
The Attempt: A single method is used to resolve all actions
System Conversion: convert from other game systems to EVERYVERSE RPG