Dolmenwood is a dark fairy tale setting ready to be built into a campaign setting unique to a gaming group.

Dolmenwood includes full rules using a slightly modified version of Old-School Essentials in a faerie woodland setting, both fantastic and terrifying, all captured in three books: one for players, one with the setting for the GM, and a monster book. PDFs of these books are in Kickstarter backers’ hands and hopefully will be available to all soon. In addition, there are four adventures, a GM screen, map book, and a miniature collection. Cloth maps of the setting for both players and GM are planned but don’t show up on the website yet.
Where to Start
When starting a new campaign in Dolmenwood, the following steps are recommended. The GM can work through these steps to create their own version of the woods. Once completed, the PCs will be armed with rumors and ready to start adventuring.
1. Read the Player’s Book first
The rules are found in the Dolmenwood Player’s Book. It also presents an introduction to the realm of Dolmenwood, denizens, and factions. There is also a calendar.
2. Background reading
In the Dolmenwood Campaign Book are two sections to read for further details: Secrets of Dolmenwood and Factions and Powers. Also included in this list is a section on Running a Campaign.
The Cold Prince is one of the factions, and his machinations factor into the adventure, the Winter’s Daughter. He could become the big bad of a campaign, and three locations related to his attempt to return to Dolmenwood are covered. There are also directions to a hidden location of the Cold Prince in the lair of the lake monster called Big Chook, which PCs might quest for if they want to oppose the Cold Prince more directly.
3. Choose a starting date
Based on the provided calendar, decide whether the campaign begins in the spring, summer, autumn, or winter. Starting a campaign in the third month of spring called Iggwyld is a good choice and introduces the concept of an unseason. On the first day of the month of Iggwyld there is a one in four chance of Colliggwyld beginning and lasting for the entire 30 days of Iggwyld. If Colliggwyld happens, particularly beautiful and fecund fungus blooms and grows to fantastic size throughout the Wood. Any fungus harvested during the month yields double the result (rations or six different fungi with special effects). When Iggwyld ends, the fungi dissolve into a rainbow-hued sludge which drains into the rivers and washes away.
4. Choose a starting settlement
Based on having three adventures available nearby, a great starting location is Lankshorn in hex 0710.
5. Read settlement info
Lankshorn is a market town on the edge of the tangled, breggle-ruled woods of Dolmenwood. Breggle are goat headed humanoids. The current ruler, Lord Malbleat, is a Breggle and he is cruel and unloved by his people. Father Eggwin Dobey, vicar of Lankshorn, works closely with Lord Malbleat and could well become a thorn in the PCs’ sides.
6. Read nearby hexes
The surrounding hexes hold inns, manors, edges of Dolmenwood, and rumors say even a fairy road. The fairy road, if found, can be traveled to whisk the traveler to another location in Dolmenwood.
7. Place adventures (optional)
Pipes on Droomen Knoll in the campaign book could be placed near Lankshorn in hex 0809 and Winter’s Daughter could also be nearby in hex 0609. Emelda’s Song also takes place partially in Lankshorn. Combining these three adventures together provides a great start to worldbuilding Dolmenwood.
8. Prepare rumors
- To the north, in Redwraith Manor in hex 0709, Lord Malbleat will accept guests with occult secrets to share.
- East of the Quivering Doily in hex 0711 under the eaves of Dolmenwood is a circle that opens into the fairy road Skipping-a-Derry which leads to the willow gate and a possible quest to add a wounded god. In Dolmenwood, the two locations are 36 miles apart. On the fairy road, the time to travel could be as short as minutes or a few weeks.
- To east, in the woods in hex 0609, is hidden a treasure lost to the Church and worth a reward if recovered. However, dangerous monsters guard it.
- A page from an old book describes the pellucidium chalice of great beauty (and, presumably, material value). It is hidden within a magical pool in a secret hall beneath the fairy keep atop Droomen Knoll (hex 0809). The cryptic note “Fairy ice and mortal blood” appears at the bottom of the page.
- The ruins of Lankston in hex 0610 are drowned in water and haunted by the dead. A magic treasure of fell power is kept hidden there.
- In the barrow mounds of hex 0810, a large number of restless spirits guard a magic sword. The sword is potent and carries a strange enchantment.
The first session
The PCs each have one rumor and come together at Bogway’s Tavern to decide which one to pursue. As the adventure unfolds the PCs can describe why each of them chose a life of adventure and how the group as a whole came together.
Dolmenwood, Hex by Hex
Once the PCs pick and complete one adventure, others will follow naturally. They may choose to follow another rumor or they may find one adventure leads to other adventures they want to pursue. As they make allies and enemies those folk may also try to change the course the PCs are on.
Perhaps one of the factions will make itself known as the most despised by the PCs and the most opposed to their plans. The PCs will likely take it upon themselves to oppose their enemies. Even if the PCs try to avoid a clash, the enemies will likely seek out the PCs to put a stop to any opposing plans.
Is Dolmenwood Worth Getting?
Short answer: yes! If a dark fairy tale setting with fairies, witches, and weird magic powered by Basic and Expert D&D like rules appeals, then Dolmenwood is exactly what you’re looking for. Even if you want to use another set of rules, the multiple hex locations and details on horses, hounds, mushrooms and herbs, and interesting monsters can all be lifted or used as inspiration for building other worlds.
Picture credit: Pixabay