Warsaw-based Hexy Studio has easily hit, then hit again, and then a few more times the funding goal for Slay the Dragon.
The game comes in a box with everything you need to play an RPG and do so quickly. While Kickstarter runs, there are free downloads, too. You can see progress on the pitch page.
If you want access to the 32-page free download of Slay the Dragon you can, but it’s not clear if Hexy will maintain the link.
The game has blank dungeon maps, dice, tokens and standees to move around. The rules focus on exploring the dungeon and are simple, basic d20-powered rule engines.
Slay the Dragon has procedural rules for dungeons and the party, which means the GM does not need to prepare, and the players cannot even guess what’s next. The processes will determine that.
There’s loot, but you only discover what it is once you leave the dungeon and roll the dice.

Backers who pledge €19 get a PDF copy of Slay the Dragon and the Advance Rules plus the (growing) Stretch Goals digital zine.
At €49, about £41, backers get the core box and the stretch goal zine in paper and digital, but not the advanced rules.
The hardcover of the advanced rules and the accompanying PDF are added to the rewards for backers who can step up to €59.
The standees and terrain pack join the rewards at €99, and at the time of writing, it is this tier which is attracting backers in high numbers.
Hexy estimates a November 2025 delivery, and the Kickstarter runs until Wednesday, November 6th.