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This is Audio EXP for October 26th, and the episode title is “Awesome people”
[The following is a transcript of Audio EXP: #259]
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Steve Hatherley won the RPG Publisher Spotlight this month.
I have the interview back from Steve, just not live on the site but if it’s not by the end of the month, then the fault is all with me.
The next time we speak, it’ll be November so here’s a reminder of who the candidates for the Spotlight are. If you’re a Patreon, you’re awesome and can vote.
We’re into the 12 Masks of Halloween countdown this week but kicking the podcast off is a find from Bronwen, who has spotted Nick Frost being creepy in Black Cab.
Frost plays a cabbie who picks up a couple and takes them to a haunted road instead of taking them home.
We also have the mixed news that Good Omens is ending with a 90-minute special.
It’s a compromise. There are serious allegations against co-writer Neil Gaiman, and it seemed likely had to give; while some fans would surely want the show to continue, at least this way, it comes to a conclusion.
Still in entertainment, but moving off the cyclops box and to reading is Bronwen’s review of Jewel Knights from Dusk Wave Arts.
The comic is not out yet, but we’ve had a sneak peek and see the two young superheroes go up against British supervillains.
Or, if you fancy something more highbrow and nudging towards tabletop games there’s Gateway to Adventure: 50 Years of D&D Art’ organised by the high convention Lucca Comics & Games. Yes, that means you need to go to Italy to see it, but there are over 100 D&D-related artworks from masters such as Larry Elmore, Jeff Easley, Brom and Todd Lockwood.
Since we’re onto RPGs, let’s dig into a few select headlines. Zweihander, the grimdark d100 game, has changed hands again.
The seller is World of Game Design, had it for about a year. The buyer is SLLSWRD Games. At least, I think that’s how you pronounce a word with no vowels.
SLLSWRD is led by Daniel D. Fox, the game’s original designer. He’s taken back his project.
On Geek Native, we’ve an exclusive look at some of the art in the forthcoming Torchbearer RPG comic book and an interview with its co-creators.
The comic book was a project that’s been many years in the making, and writing had started just before the pandemic. Now it’s on Indiegogo and doing well.
In bundles and in the Bundle of Holding there’s a deal on the Fate of Cthulhu offer and another on Weird Frontiers.
Lastly and proof that the RPG industry continues to be awesome because there’s a multi-publisher offer on DriveThruRPG for the Chuck Rise Medical Charity Bundle. There’s also a GoFundMe. Designer Chuck Rice isn’t in a good way and has contributed so much to the hobby, and the money is needed for bills.
Oh, last week we asked what Chris Perkins’s role at Wizards of the Coast now was – he’s been promoted to Creative Director.
On that note, think carefully if asked “Trick or Treat”, and see you next week.